Chapter 19: Wasting Time

Kieran POV

I waited with Brenna until she gave me a peck on the forehead before going back into the hotel.

Should I have told her when she opened up to me just now? Should I still tell her before she gets settled in to sleep?

Seeing Brenna so distraught over the situation was making me feel even more guilty than I already had been the last few weeks. I didn’t mean to put her in this position. I just wanted to keep her safe before springing the truth on her.

I ran toward the woods and found the spot where I’d been shifting back and forth. There was already a pair of pants and a button-up I hid earlier.

I threw the clothes on and found the socks and shoes I had left hidden in the tunneled-out oak that lay on its side.

I wish the others in the hotel hadn’t been so wary of her, or at least by now, would have accepted her. That’s as much their fault as it is my own. I should have told them more about her situation, but it wasn’t mine to tell.