Chapter 25: Hiding In Plain Sight

Kieran POV

Brenna began to still in my arms as her sobs subsided.

This wasn’t how I had planned on revealing myself. This wasn’t at all how I thought things would go. In the end, Viv was right. If I didn’t go about this the right way, I could end up losing Brenna forever.

Her breathing became more even. I wish I knew what to say, knowing the wrong thing could make this situation so much worse. Saying nothing sounded like it wasn’t the right course to take, either.

“Brenna, you’re safe. You’re safe.”

It took a few moments for Brenna to realize that I was speaking to her. I could feel her body stiffen as she was still wrapped up in my arms.

I slowly let go, even though I wasn’t sure if I should. She responded well to touch during these attacks, but I also didn’t want her to freak out when she realized she was being held by her very naked boss.

Brenna stayed huddled in the position I left her in, but she didn’t fall over, so she was doing better than when I found her.