Chapter 28: Stalling

Brenna POV

The sun shone brightly down on the hotel grounds, but it was too bright. I had to shield my eyes with my forearm as I walked through the woods.

I hadn’t walked through them during my stay so far, so now seemed like as good a time as any to get my head together.

They were quiet, almost too quiet. I expected to hear the sounds of insects buzzing and chirping in the warm air. Even the birds were hiding their songs from me.

Why was it so quiet?

I walked deeper still, hoping to find some sort of life. Even a person would be a welcome sight in this quiet pocket of the world, but there was no one.

The earth felt cold and damp against my bare feet as I stepped along a makeshift path. Animals must have used it for coming and going from the hotel.

Why didn’t I have my shoes?

As the sun rose higher, I did my best to stay in the shade of the trees. Even walking from trunk to trunk, the sun still managed to nearly blind my vision.

How was it so bright?