3 Empire and 3 Kingdoms

There are Other empire and kingdoms There are total 3 Empires They are covered 50% of the land.

There Are 3 Kingdoms they are covered 30 % of land.While the Other are not Control by any one Because it covered by Dark forest in the North.

This is Where Demons are seal also There are So many monster species like Vampires,Ware wolfs,lizard man,orgs,orcs, goblin, trolls etc

Of course there are Beast species like Wolfs,bear,Salamander etc.But they are mutated by the Dark Mana of dark forest

There are also Green forest it South it called life forest by Elves and why because it has world tree And this forest located in Eleven Empire This forest also has beast but not like those monster like vampire overs, goblin etc.

But beasts like Wolfs like fernier,wind wolf , Wyvern,Wild bears etc They are all natural beasts.

Now let's talk about other Empires Others than Holy Empire there are other two, Eleven Empire and Red Dragon empire.

Fist let's talk about Holy empire It hast wast and big as Red Dragon Empire It Named because It has goddess of light blessing also The First Hero born in this empire.

The First Hero Founded this empire 1000 years ago With goddesses Of light blessing.And he was the one who seal The demons and their king to Dark forest With his companion Red Dragon.Who was Dragon King at that Time.

Yes You guess right The Red Dragon empire Founded by Red Dragon We can say that but it actually Founded by the Man who has Red Dragon King blessings.

The Red Dragon King Was who Founded the dragon Academy With First hero's Suggestion To prepare Future Generation to Fighting Against The Demons when There seal will be broken.

And this is last word of Fist Hero Who sacrifice him self to Seal the demons to Dark forest.They both Killed There king(Demon lord) But There are so many demons and monsters ( Vampires and Werewolf Who serve as General to Demon lord) Survive.

They have To save this world so There are only one options to save Them in forest hero made Sacrifice him self to Made a seal And also The Red dragon also Give his power to hero To make Seal.

With these the Red dragon return and found a academy from his last year And also given blessings to the man Who are Founder of Red Dragon Empire.

The Dragon Academy are located in middle of Both Empire Red Dragon Empire and Holy Empire.Where This Academy located This Place called Holy Dragon land.

The last Empire are Called Elven Empire It located in South of The both Empires and Both Empire Border are cross With the Elven Empire . It more Than 50 % Is Forest They lived in where roots of world tree are but also they has Build Empire Half of land Just like other Empires and Kingdoms.

They are The strongest In this world With 5 SS - Rank Expert In there Rank.They are master of Natural magic.They normally live up to 700 years but High elf can live 1000 years. They also Has support of The Spirits , Fairy and also Dragons are in them favour because Dragon also Protects The world Tree.

They are so Strong that If they wish They can dominate world But They are peaceful Race The Believe in peace.

By the Way Both Empire has there own 2 SS rank Expert Each.

And last is 3 Kingdoms ,

Fist is Animal Kingdom They are rule by Dummy humans.Dummy humans are like Cat ears and tail. They have Super strength in there body. but They lack Magic Type power.They have one SS rank powerhouse.They live usually 150 to 250 years. They located Right side of Elven kingdom.There border cross with Red Dragon Empire.

Second Is Dwargon Kingdom They are Rule by Dwarfs.They are master of Weapons and golems.They Control More than 60 % of weapons in hall world.There kingdom located in left side of Elven Empire and also There border Cross With Holy Empire.They are usually master of Earth and fire magic.They also have one SS rank Expert.They live 300 to 400 years.

The last is Northern Kingdom Rule by Humans They are located in North ,it located in northern side of the Both Empire There border Touch each other.Also This the Kingdom are border Touch with Dark forest ,of course The dark forest border are cross with both Holy Empire and Red dragon empire.But if Seal broken Through the Fist kingdom Destroy are Northern Empire And The empire Also has SS rank powerhouse.

Means There are 12 SS rank powerhouse in this world.The last one is Principal in Dragon Academy He is Half Elf.

He was in this pace for more than 200 years ago, he was the one who Discard the that half ling like half elf or half dummy humans are just like Normal like in society They can be stronger to.Before he becomes principal The world Not accept the half elf and half dummy humans in society.But he broke that thing and Become SS rank powerhouse.