5 Enhances Seance


I acquire it.It even rear skill There are even 3 uses.It best skill i even acquire. it dangerous but at last i acquire now.It more helpful in future.

I then use Mana Eyes The vision around me are suddenly changed.It more beautiful and colourful.

This i can't compare anything that i seen this also this is first time i seen this kind of beautiful seen.

in this every living thing has mana.Even who can not use mana Have latest but of mana in there body.

You can say what about Aura users But Aura is made of mana it is Form by mana particals that break of original mana.And it refine form of that particals.

so it considers as it only develop by original of mana.So in Aura user they also has Mana but Form of Aura.

Now it's time for me to learn Skills that can save me from dangerous and snike attacks.

It 5 other senses I already learn enhance vision now it for time for other senses.

If i learn other 5 senses then they combine together.But you can think is it they Use mana as base so you can't use all time.

Yes but if they combine there are two effect one is active effect that use mana to enhance my sances but there are other effect.

It passive effect that it enhances user sances permanently according to skill Grade. many powerful Adventures learn this skill to raid a dungeon or Hunt in forest it comes quite handy.

It takes me Two days to learn all other Sances.Like Enhance hearing, Enhance Taste,Enhance Smell,Enhance Touch.

I learn it all. they are combined together

[ 5 Enhances Seance (F) - it enhances all 5 sances

Use - 1.Active :- Use user Mana to enhance sances by 15 %

2.passive - increased User 5 sances permanently by 10%


yes i can feel it that my sances are more increase.My vision,smell,taste,Touch,hearing.

also i try to Use active option It further increased my 5 sances.

Now then i acquire this i have to learn Next sances skill,yes you guess right it 6th sense our Instinct.

But it can't be learn but we have to build our Instinct.It can be built by when we are in fight or in wild etc.There are many things but we have to persistent so we can learn this.We can even build our Instinct in dungeon.

With this we can avoid fatal danger or even Enemy attack.

i have build this Instinct while fighting or in dungeons.The dungeon are best option but it to dangerous.For me now When i Become E rank i can tried that.

By the way you can become Adventure by Becoming F rank mad giving simple test.In this your class don't matter also your element you can become one with doing this things.But when you become storage or increased your rank it depends on your self and in this class and elements Mater.

Now then i already talk about 6 th sense but there are 7th sense that called mana sense.this thing can acquire when we become D rank. When you build Circle around you heart or become dantian in you abdomen if you have Aura.

Of Course if you have Aura then you can Called it Aura senses same as mana sense.

And when We become D rank we official become someone strong or official become mages or Worrier ,below this we can only be apprentice mage or Worrier .I already talked about this in previous Chapters.

But to Acquire that i have to wait until I become D rank and it hard to become D rank for me because i only have C rank potential.

I have to quickly think about the way to increase my potential.

Now then i think about it in novel there are 8th senses i know what it is.only our heroes are acquire this senses in Novel.

We have to have luck and also Situation in our favour.Also there are some artefact that can help in this.

I don't think i can learn that even if i try but if i have chances i can only Accept this chances.but there is very few chances even less than 1%.

You are thinking about 8 th sances are divine sances but it not.Divine sense are like race sances that are used by angels and demons.also that who has divine power just like dragons has Draconic sances, Demons has demonic sances.

ohh!! spoilers again??

but that not 8th sances if you want to know stay tune.