A Wandless Accident

I couldn't believe how far I had come. My journey into the depths of magic had led me to this pivotal moment. Standing in the sunlit garden of our estate, I felt the weight of excitement and nerves intertwining within me. I was about to attempt something that very few wizards my age dared to venture into—wandless magic. Since I already permanently awakened my core, I won't be having accidental magic. And due to the combination of me having a peak tier 2 soul and having awakened my magic core at such a young age, I should theoretically be able to do a bit of wandless magic, like moving stuff around similar to how Voldemort performed controlled magic before going to Hogwarts.

I took a deep breath, focusing my mind on the enchanted flowerbed before me. Closing my eyes, I envisioned the delicate flowers gently rising from the ground. I tried to replicate the sensation of magic flowing through me, just as I had done during my meditation session to awaken my magic core. There was a direct connection from my core to the world around me.

At first, it was a struggle. I could feel the power within me, but directing it was like trying to catch a slippery fish. The flowers remained still, seemingly unaffected by my efforts. But I refused to give up. I kept trying, focusing on the connection between my soul, my core, and the magical essence that surrounded me.

Prana, my white sparrow familiar, perched nearby, chirping softly as if to encourage me. Her presence was reassuring, and I drew strength from the bond we had formed. With renewed determination, I tried again, visualizing the flowers lifting ever so slightly from the ground.

To my surprise, the petals of the nearest flower trembled, and a tiny green shoot emerged from the soil. It wasn't much, but it was progress. A smile crept across my face, and I continued to concentrate, pushing my magical boundaries further.

Prana seemed to sense my excitement and hopped closer, perching on my shoulder. Her presence amplified my connection to magic, and together, we explored the possibilities of wandless magic. It was a slow process, and my efforts were far from perfect, but I knew that practice and patience were the keys to success.

As the sun began to set, bathing the garden in a warm orange glow, I decided to call it a day. As I walked along the garden path, I was lost in my thoughts, replaying the moments of magic in my mind. I didn't notice the small stone that was lying on the ground, right in front of my foot. I stepped on it and felt a sharp pain as I lost my balance. I stumbled forward, trying to catch myself, but it was too late. I was falling face-first into the dirt.

In a panic, I instinctively reached out with my magic, hoping to stop myself from hitting the ground. I focused my intention on pushing against the earth, creating a cushion of air to break my fall. But I miscalculated the amount of force needed, and instead of slowing down, I felt a powerful blast of magic erupt from me.

The next thing I knew, I was flying through the air, propelled by my own wandless magic. I screamed as I soared over the garden fence, landing on the other side with a loud thud. Prana followed me, flapping her wings frantically. She landed next to me, looking worried and confused.

I groaned as I got up, feeling sore and dizzy. I checked myself for any injuries, but luckily, I only had a few bruises and scratches. Prana hopped on my shoulder again, and we looked at each other in disbelief.

I had just achieved wandless magic again, but this time, it was more like an "accident" than a controlled feat.

"Regius! Regius, are you okay?"

It was my mother, Ember. She sounded worried and alarmed. I turned around and saw her running towards me, followed by my father, Adam. They had both witnessed my flight over the fence, and they looked shocked and concerned.

They reached me in a matter of seconds and hugged me tightly.

"Oh, thank goodness you're alright!" Mum exclaimed, checking me for any signs of injury. "What happened? How did you fly like that?"

I tried to act innocent and confused, hoping they would buy my story.

"I-I don't know, Mum," I stammered. "I was just walking in the garden, and then I tripped on a stone, and then…I don't know, I just felt this surge of magic inside me, and then I was in the air…"

I looked at them with wide eyes, hoping they would believe me. They exchanged a glance, and then smiled.

"Regius, do you know what this means?" Dad asked, his voice full of excitement. "You just performed your first feat of accidental magic! That's amazing!"

He ruffled my hair proudly, and Mum kissed my cheek.

"That's right, sweetheart," she agreed. "You're now a wizard, Regius. You have a lot of potential. We're so proud of you!"

They hugged me again, and I felt a pang of guilt. I was lying to them, after all. I had already awakened my core permanently, and I had been practicing wandless magic for a day. This was not my first accidental magic; it was my first wandless magic "accident".

But I couldn't tell them the truth. They would be angry and disappointed if they knew I had been hiding something so important from them. They would think I didn't trust them, or that I was reckless and irresponsible. Not only that, but they would forbid me from doing wandless magic ever again, or worse, they would take me to some specialist who would try to fix me.

I didn't want that. I wanted to explore wandless magic on my own terms, at my own pace. I wanted to discover the secrets of magic that no one else knew. I wanted to be free.

So, I kept my mouth shut and pretended to be happy and surprised. I let them congratulate me and comfort me and tell me how proud they were of me. I let them take me back to the house, where they treated me to a special dinner and a new toy.

I acted like everything was normal, like nothing had changed.

But deep down, I knew that everything had changed.

I had just taken another step into the world of wandless magic.

And I couldn't wait to explore it further.


Ember : *in the kitchen*, talking to Adam You know, I'm really proud of Regius 😌. He's will one day be an amazing wizard.

Adam : *nodding* Me too. He's got a bright ✨ future ahead of him.

Ember : *suddenly* remembers something Oh, by the way, did you fix the fence he flew over? 🤔

Adam : *gulps* Uh…about that… 🥲