war hero Daniel mark

King Daniel went to war for the past six months, and everyone was preparing for the king's return. I have been changing into a new dress and cute accessories for an hour; after taking a look, Miya seems dissatisfied "what should I do? Princess Lea is so cute in every dress that I can't decide what you should wear." The peach colour dress would be delicate, said the Queen. Hearing my mother's voice, Miya turned and greeted her, and then they both started to argue about which colour would suit me better. I have no other choice but to choose myself. I tap over the beautiful Lacey dress and bring it toward me, showing that I liked that dress. My mother seemed to understand what I meant. She went along with that Lacey dress. When I got dressed, the king had arrived at the front gate.

The head maid notified us that we should get going. My mother gently holds me in her arms and walks toward the palace gate. The welcoming ceremony is so grand that flowers cover Grand's entire food path, and all the soldiers are standing to the sides of the entrance. I saw this type of scene in movies or series. A man wearing armour comes through with the most gracious walk I have ever seen. His long black hair shines brightly, and his ocean blue eye makes him more handsome. I can't believe that he is my dad. I can see why the maids are talking about my looks that don't match his looks.

"My king, thank you for your safe return, queen now, gave a warm smile. Daniel smiled and hugged Martha. After a few minutes, he noticed me in Martha's arms.

His eyes filled with tears, and he gave me the name "Letitia Mark" The word Letitia means joy and happiness. Daniel closed his eyes and prayed for his precious daughter to have her life full of happiness. Martha kissed my cheek, saying my name. " Hey, how long are you going to stare at Lea? " said Martha. Daniel wiped his tears and held Lea high. Carrying her in his arms, he walks to his court hall and announces that Letitia Mark will be their successor in this kingdom. The pride of this nation, princess Letitia.

The minister of the court, sir Liam entire the court stated there should be a banquet for the return of the king and the crown princess. He showed the plan for the meal to Daniel. He studied the project and said he would also allow the duke of the sun to attend. And families of all nobles with a kid around the age of Lea. The month of June  12th, the grand banquet will take place in "A Night in the cloud". After the announcement, Miya took me back to my room. I think the party will be super grant, and I must go through the dressing arrangements all over again.

Come to think of it, and it's been three months since I got here. Other than my maid stealing my stuff, I live a comfortable life here. "princess, it's time for your meal" I like that carrot puree. Still, I definitely can't eat the same dish daily. I slowly turned toward miya and saw something different this time, a golden puree that kind of smells sweet. Still, I don't like sweet words in my past life. Without thinking, I turned my head from the spoon. "oh my princess, please eat this yummy dish the king prepared for you. If you don't eat it, his majesty will be sad knowing his daughter didn't taste his recipe." my dad knows how to cook, and this was his idea. I slowly opened my mouth miya fed me a spoon of the puree. It was delicious. I could taste the sweet mangoes, bananas, and sweet sauce. Seeing how happy I was eating my mango puree, I heard laughs near the door, so I pecked who was there. My father and mother noticed I had been looking at them "ahem, how is the puree, my Lea. The mangoes are imported from Spain. It is one of our allied kingdoms." my dad came inside and wiped my mouth with a silk cloth.

After having a meal, my dad carried me in his arms and took me to the garden. The park with rows of roses and a small pond a the centre of the rose garden. I could see how happy the carp was jumping in the pond.