When they throw dirt

After months of training.

Li Wan Imperial Garden.

Xinhua was not laughing as he strolled through the garden with his son, and he was dragging his head down behind him.

- How do you hold your head, did you see yourself? Is this how a future emperor should behave?!

Yanlin silently straightened up.

- You have nothing but rivalry and childishness, you feel sorry for anyone and go like a simple worker looking at your feet!

Yanlin did not dare to contradict his arrogant father. He was famous for excessive cruelty and short temper.

- I heard a review about your recent successes, the coach says that of all the children of Heaven, you succeeded the most, did that white man really provoke you so much? (Yumin)

-When we trained together, I did it playfully, and he was serious, and every time I lost to him, I wanted to be on a par with him…

- You shouldn't know the word "on an equal footing", only it's better to destroy it, to be equal to the brat of Europe? Is it my son who says, then go run with smokes to distilleries, and wallow in the mud like pigs. Although it doesn't matter anymore, today is the fight and your disgusting friend there will finally fulfill his duty to please the audience and accept his dirty death, it's not for nothing that he shook the air after living here for 2 and a half years

- How?! But he is only 7, fights start from the age of 9 ... he is too fragile and still quite a child, his body did not even have time to gain courage!

- That's right, he's already 7, he's a dirty white brat, say thank you that he wasn't pierced with a sword earlier for nothing, I don't want to discuss any carrion anymore, get ready to have fun

Since his father sent a personal trainer for Yanlin, he had no right to set foot in the barn anymore, all he had to do was run up to the hollow early in the morning, put a note and a bag of goodies for his friend. How he missed Yumin and was very worried that someone would injure him during training.

And the fears were not in vain.

His heart was torn by the upcoming spectacle, suddenly Yumin was crippled and they didn't even have time to say goodbye, he hadn't put notes in the hollow for a long time, and this time he didn't even take goodies. Yanlin's heart was beating wildly.