He's Already a Dead Man

"Mom!" Wayne kicked the burly man away and caught his mother.

"Today, I'm going to strip you naked and make you kneel in front of the hospital!" The gang members said angrily.

"Then let's see whose fist is harder."

In the past, Wayne would have chosen to retreat, but now that he had divine power, he would never lower his head and lose his dignity for the sake of a bad person.

"Who dares touch the Johnson family? Do you want to die?"

At this time, Tom, who was wearing sunglasses, got out of a car. Lareen was also there.

Tom, who was standing in the middle of the crowd, took off his sunglasses and was shocked when he saw Wayne.

"This... How is this possible?!" Tom rubbed his eyes in shock.


Lareen exclaimed and hid behind Tom. She asked in a trembling voice, "What are you doing here? You..."

Wayne said coldly,"Shocked to see me when I'm supposed to be at the bottom of the sea?"

"Wayne, you roach, you sure have a good life. Are you waiting to continue serving me? Since you're still alive, it must be God's arrangement. How about this, I can pay you to learn some filming skills. How about it? Haha..."

After saying that, Tom pulled Lareen over and grabbed her big chest.

Susanna was anxious and quickly said, "Young Master Johnson, three years ago, I helped your mother, Miss Karen, find her beloved pet dog. Please forgive Wayne for the sake of your mother."

Tom said in disdain, "You're just a stinky bug. How dare you say my mother's name? a stinky bug asking me to forgive another stinky bug? what a joke!"

The others also laughed.

Wayne's eyes were cold as he said, "Sure, I can continue filming, but who's going to be the male lead? Me, or you? However, I'm not interested in the female lead. I'm not interested in that dirty woman, Lareen. If it were your mother, I would be very willing. "

"You piece of trash. If I can kill you once, I can kill you a second time." When Tom heard that Wayne dared humiliate him, he was furious. He took out his gun and pointed it at Wayne.

"Don 't!" Susanna shouted in grief.

A gunshot was heard, and Tom's vision suddenly blurred. Wayne had disappeared, and he had missed his shot.

The next moment, Tom saw Wayne suddenly appear in front of him. Wayne raised his right hand and lifted him up by the neck. The gun in his hand fell to the ground.

"Dammit, what are you trying to do? Quickly put me down!"

Tom was both shocked and angry. He kept kicking Wayne, but the other party didn't move.

When Lareen saw this, she quickly exclaimed, "Oh my God, Wayne, do you know what you are doing? I advise you to let go of him, he's not someone you can provoke!"

Tom saw that Wayne kept holding on to him, and he couldn't break free, so he scolded, "You piece of trash, you're like a stinky bug. Put me down now, then kneel on the ground and let me use your mouth as a urinal. I'll consider leaving your corpse intact!"

Afraid that Wayne would do something to hurt Tom on impulse, Lareen shouted again, "Don't try to be brave. Tom is not someone you can mess with. Kneel down and apologize. Go back to your doghouse and don't try to find me again. "

However, Wayne was no longer the same Wayne from yesterday. When he heard Lareen's insulting words, he threw Tom's 200 pound body directly onto Lareen. The two of them fell together and let out a series of screams.

When the surrounding onlookers saw this scene, they were all dumbfounded.

They did not expect Wayne to be so strong. Not only did he lift an adult up so easily, but he also threw him so far away with a light swing!

However, what shocked them the most was that the Johnson family had a great reputation and power. Wayne dared touch the Johnson family. Wasn't he afraid of revenge?

This wasn't something that could be dealt with with just a bit of strength!

At this time, only Susanna was scared out of her wits. She had never thought that her son would dare lay a hand on Tom. The other party would definitely take revenge in the future. What should she do then?

Wayne didn't care about what others thought. He saw the hatred in Tom's eyes and knew that he would definitely take revenge in the most vicious way. He walked over and pressed on his shoulder. He concentrated his mind and used his divine power.

A line of information appeared in Wayne's mind.

[Status: Liver cancer, gonorrhea, syphilis and bone fractures...]

[Cause: Excessive drinking and sex, drug abuse, heavy blows...]

'It seems that this fellow doesn't have long to live. Then let me send you on your way.' Wayne thought to himself as he injected a stream of power into Tom's body to destroy the normal operation of his internal organs.

It wouldn't be long before Tom suddenly died.

After that, Wayne helped his mother, who was so scared that her face had turned pale, into a taxi.

From the rear-view mirror, he could see that Tom was pointing at the taxi after he got up from the ground. He was angry, but in Wayne's eyes, he was already a dead man...