Subverted knowledge

Jenny was stunned when she heard Wayne's question.

After she came back to her senses, the expression on her face became a little reluctant.

Jenny looked at Wayne and said, "Let's not talk about who's right or wrong in this matter. What I'm going to say now is that I can pay a price to make you forget what happened today. For example, 20 million dollars. What do you think?"

Jenny looked very confident. "20 million dollars is enough for you to hire countless maids. This price should be enough to make you forget what happened today, right?"

Wayne glanced at Jenny after hearing her words.

"I don't think it's hard for me to earn 20 million. What do you think? "

Jenny immediately frowned and looked at Wayne with displeasure.

"What do you mean by this? Do you really have to make me your maid and humiliate me? I'm the successor of the Katie family! Aren't you afraid of offending our family by doing this?"