The Gathered Crowd

However, when he arrived at the Jones Group building, he saw a very lively scene. 

At this time, a lot of people were gathered at the entrance, holding all kinds of banners. 

From Wayne's direction, he could roughly see the content of the banners. 

"Give me back my house, you bunch of unscrupulous developers!" 

"Wicked people, quickly return my house to me!" 

"The Jones Group is disgusting, why did you steal my house?!" 

When they held up the banner, they would also constantly chant a slogan. 

The content of the slogan was similar to the banner in their hands. They were all asking the Jones Group to give back their house. 

Wayne raised his brows. He roughly understood why Lisa didn't pick up his call. 

The Oren villa project had just returned to the Jones Group's hands, and these landlords had already come to make trouble.