World Info

Cultivation realms(From lowest to highest)

Realms within Mortal Worlds

Qi Condensation- 9 Minor realms (Maximum Lifespan-250 years)

Body Foundation Establishment Realm- 9 minor realms (Maximum Lifespan-500 Years)

Core Formation Realm- Sub realms: (Maximum Lifespan-1250 years at Gold Core)

False Core Formation

True Core Formation

Gold Core Formation

Nascent Soul Realm- Sub realms (Maximum Lifespan- 2000 years at Adult Soul realm)

Infant Soul

Child Soul

Adolescent Soul

Adult Soul

After this, every Realm has nine Minor realms.

Sky Realm (Maximum Lifespan-3500 years)

Heavenly Realm (Maximum Lifespan-5000 years)

Saint Realm (Maximum Lifespan-10,000 years)

King Realm (Maximum Lifespan-25,000 years)

Emperor Realm (Maximum Lifespan-50,000 years)

Overlord Realm (Maximum Lifespan- 100,000 years)

After this is Immortal Realms exclusive to the Only and one Immortal Realm.

Ascended Immortal Realm- 9 minor ealms(Maximum Lifespan-150,000 years)

Dao Formation Immortal Realm- 9 Minor realms (Maximum Lifespan-250,000 years)

Dao Tribulation Immortal Realm- 9 minor realms (Maximum Lifespan-500,000 years)

Saintly Immortal Realm- 9 minor realms (Maximum Lifespan- 650,000 years)

King Immortal Realm- 9 minor realms (Maximum Lifespan- 750,000 years)

Emperor Immortal Realm- 9 minor realms (Maximum Lifespan- 800,000 years)

Overlord Immortal Realm- 9 minor realms (Maximum Lifespan- 1,000,000 years)

Overlord Immortal Realm is not only the limit of the Immortal Cultivation but Cultivation as a whole. The peak of the Cultivation even the Strongest is only at the Universal level.

This doesn't mean that powerful stages after this realm don't exist, they do exist.

They are as follows. Also, the beings above this rank are pseudo-immortal, they have an infinite lifespan and won't die due to aging, or sickness they can live and survive as long as they aren't killed.

True God Stage(Low Multiversal Tier)

Supreme God Stage( Mid Multiversal Tier)

Ultimate God Stage (High Multiversal Tier)


Now about the Divinity System

Divinity System is as strong as Cultivation System, even so, its limit is also a Universal Peak level like Cultivation. The beings possessing divinity have Pseudo Infinite lifespans, as long as their divinity exists they won't die of Aging.

Pseudo-God Stage

Demi-God Stage

Low God Stage

Mid God Stage

High God Stage

God-King Stage

Primordial God Stage

Universal God Stage

Now Differences between the Divinity System and the Cultivation System.


Divinity System-First Gods are born from the primordial Chaos of their universe which is a time when the Universe is created or during Big Bang, after that, they either give a part of their divinity to a being or object making it divine or reproduce normally making new gods.

Cultivation System- Any being that can use Qi can become Cultivator, for this two criteria are required that the Universe they reside in should have Qi and they must possess an affinity for it.


Divinity System- Has a pseudo-infinite lifespan, and can live till the end of their respective universe if they aren't killed.

Cultivation System- Lifespan increases with cultivation and even at peak universe level, the lifespan is limited.


Divinity System- Only accessible to beings who are gods themselves, unless any being possesses the bloodline of the Gods, blessings, or a piece of divinity they can't get to become, Gods.

Cultivation System- Any being who has an affinity for Cultivation can become Cultivator.


Divinity System- Unless God has a pure bloodline or a piece of divinity from another God he can't rise above the rank.

Cultivation System- Anyone can rise above in mortal ranks of Cultivation with the lowest Cultivation talent at an appropriate time but sufficient talent is still necessary since most cultivators meet the end of their lifespans before they can break through the next rank.


Divinity System- Low God is the minimum rank in which one possesses an Authority like Authority of Fate, life, Fire, etc.

Cultivation System- Dao Formation is the minimum rank in which possess a specific Authority, and they are more powerful than Divinity Gods at the same power level since Cultivators create and refine their Authorities themselves.

Now, Magic System, there isn't a specified Magic System.

There are thousands of Magic systems in different Universes, and the Magic rank's peak power will be Demi-God Stage no matter which Magic System and Universe.

Now Cultivation World Talent isn't specified or made in a Systematical Order, the talent of a being in Cultivation is equal to how faster they break through realms.

Due to Qi many mutations occur in beings which made some of them stronger compared to their normal variants, these mutations are called physiques, and they are divided into:

Special ( 1 in 1000)

Mortal Rank( 1 in 10000)

Earth Rank ( 1 in 100,000,000)

Heavenly Rank ( 1 in 100,000,000,000,000)(1 in hundred trillion)

Saint Rank (1 in 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000)(1 in hundred s*xtillion)

Immortal Rank( 1 in 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000)(1 in hundred octillion)

Divine Rank (???)

Any Cultivation Universe has thousands to millions of mortal worlds but only one Immortal World exists it is the same for every Cultivation Universe. The peak of a Cultivation Universe varies but even the highest Cultivation world's peak will be Overlord Immortal Realm.

Also, Weapon, Equipment and Armor Rank in the Cultivation world:

(Mortal Weapons)

Mortal Rank

Spirit Rank

Earth Rank

Heavenly Rank

King Rank

Emperor Rank

Overlord Rank

(Immortal Weapons)

Pseudo-Immortal Rank

Complete Immortal Rank

Dao Immortal Rank

Saint Immortal Rank

King Immortal Rank

Emperor Immortal Rank

Overlord Immortal Rank

Now Technique Cultivation Techniques are things that are a set of movements that fastens the rate of Qi Absorption. Any being without any Cultivation technique can absorb only 0.00001% of the Maximum speed at which a being's body can absorb the Qi.

In short Rate of Absorption of Qi= Current Speed of Absorption of Qi of the being by using the Qi Cultivation technique /Maximum Speed of Absorption of Qi possible by the being's body.

Mortal Ranked Qi Technique (0.001%)

Spirit Ranked Qi Technique (0.01%)

Earth Ranked Qi Technique (0.1%)

Heavenly Ranked Qi Technique (1%)

Overlord Ranked Qi Technique ( 2.5%)

Immortal Ranked Qi Technique (10%)

Dao Ranked Qi Technique ( 25%)

Immortal Saint Ranked Qi Technique (50%)

Immortal King Ranked Qi Technique (75%)

Immortal Emperor Ranked Qi Technique (100%)

So if a guy has better cultivation talent let's say 10 times faster Qi Absorption. his speed using a Heavenly Ranked Technique and that someone who is using an Immortal Ranked Technique but has 1/10th of his talent will be equal.

So both talent and technique matter in cultivation.