Lin Ruoxi's Physique awakening

Hello Guys, well it's very important thing that I want to inform you all that I have made several changes in the Novel, for example I have changed the lifespan each cultivator has and increased the life span of each stage, my previous idea of lifespan for cultivation was doubling it each time, but then it created a lot of problem, since I made Alise get peak heavenly realm at the age of 34(which is 134 now) so with that idea everyone break through the same realms quite fast, and since I made the total no. of realms quite low, it created a lot of problem, so I changed that.

Firstly I increased the lifespans of each Cultivation Realm by a huge margin but the last Immortal Cultivation realm has same lifespan as before, you can see new lifespan on the World Info.

Also The age of Alise is 10,000+ now, and while many things still doesn't makes sense I will improve that as story goes on.

Also I have released the main heroines character images, except Qin Yi, for which I need Help.

I need a beautiful White or Blue Haired Character illustartion, I hope you guys can help me with that.


Noah Pov

I looked at Lin Ruoxi sleeping naked beside me, I can see her white and bouncy boobs which has my hand prints on them, her beautiful ass which is red due to my spanking, her swollen pussy, her neck which had my bite marks and her beautiful smiling face.

She opened her eyes slowly and seeing me she smiled beautifully and said,"~Goodmorning Dear~❤", saying that she snuggled towards me with her head on my chest.

(Author's Note: My Chinese readers., can anyone help me with the names, like if I want to say Goodmorning Abir, so what word should I use for Lin Ruoxi? Ruoxi or something else?)

I smiled seeing her like that and put my arm on her back and caressed her," Goodmorning Ruoxi". On me saying that she snuggled closer, and i just chuckled on seeing that.

We stayed in this position and I asked her," Was I too rough last night?", hearing that she stood up and shook her and replied,"No dear, I loved when you are rough with me, the way you marked me, the way you treated me as I belong to you, and you alone, my body, my soul, it made feel loved thinking you desire me that much".

Hearing her twisted logic I just shook my head mentally,' this is cultivation world so I shouldn't use my previous world's logic, also the fact that she loved what I did to her is nice, afterall who wouldn't want like to have a woman that moan under his body, suck his cock, and be rough with her, and that woman to whom all the world would bow in the future '.

I caressed her long and smooth hair as I said,"You will be my third wife, I hope that's fine with you, the position for my first and second wife are already decided".

She didn't gave much of a reaction and replied," It's enough for me to be your third wife, I didn't expected to be even a proper concubine of you, but to think you will make a useless person like me your wife is already a miracle for me, I don't wish anything else other than to serve you and be your side till my death".

Hearing her words I sighed, she experienced cruelty of the cultivation world, the only reason she hasn't been made a slave to anyone or a plaything is that she has luck on her side, which made her to not have any problem with any high ranking person, and in Immortal Heavenly Sect, people rarely rape a woman, sinc if they want a fucktoy, they can just buy them in the Market.

That's how cruel the cultivation world is, both men and women are sold as slaves and can be used as pleasure toys, dual cauldrons or simply as a workforce.

As for my opinion in all this, I won't do anything, even if I change this the people won't change, and that is better on its own way, since all this is beneficial for me why bother? I am the one who is sitting at the top of everything, I will enjoy my life as I wish.

Ciel who heard my thoughts said,[Daddy, that's the correct thinking! Even if you become a saint then the people whom you would have saved will stab you in the back if they are given resources, it better to not bother with this system, and use it for your own benefit].

Hearing her, I replied,' I agree with your opinion Ciel, also now I have to ask you that did you changed the anchor of her fate? '.

Ciel replied[Yes dear, from now on this Universe doesn't have control over her fate and if it tries to intervene with her life, then it will recieve a backslash from the Fate itself].

Hearing that made me relaxed, it's nice knowing that Universe Will's can't interfere with her life," Thankyou Ciel for all the help".

Ciel replied[ As a daughter and wife, it's my duty to help you, but I will need the reward for it later on okay?]

I agreed and promised to give her a very good reward, hehe, a reward that will make both of us happy. Anyway, I stopped my conservation with her and shifted my focus back on Lin Ruoxi," Don't worry Ruoxi, also I will make sure to make you strong enough to stand by my side".

Hearing that she smiled and a melchanoic look appeared on her face," Dear, I hope you don't waste your cultivation resources for trash like me, I don't have any talent for cultivation so using those treasures on me will be a waste of resources".

I stood up and put a stern look on my face and said," Never dare say that you are a trash, you are my woman from now on, above everyone and below only me, if anyone dares to insult you then they will recieve my wrath".

Hearing that her eyes became moist, I hugged her and she snuggled her head on my chest and cried silently while saying," Thank you, Thank you, I love you, I love you".

After crying for a bit, she said," Don't worry I promise to become strong enough to stand by your side, even if I have to experince hell for that I will do it!".

I smiled and then made an serious face," Listen Lin Ruoxi, now what I am going to tell you is very important and I hope you keep it a secret".

She looked at me a bit puzzled but nodded nonethless.

Finally I started speaking...


3rd Pov

Lin Ruoxi looked at Noah shocked and asked," I can't believe to think you are a reincarnation of a very powerful entity but now when I think that you reached Peak Heavenly Realm at mere age of 20 it makes sense, since that is simply monstrous speed of Cultivation!".

Noah decided that it's better to tell her about his reincarnation with some things excluded and twisted ofcourse, the main reason for this is that not only he will increase Lin Ruoxi's trust on him, but also he will get a excuse for many actions he will do in future, also Lin Ruoxi will also help him directly in his fight against Ye Chen.

The Story he told her was that in his past life he was a very powerful entit surpassing Cultivation as whole, but due to instability of his powers he decided to do cultivation to make his powers stable, and for some specific reasons he decided to reincaranted and got reincaranted as Alise's and James's son renamed Noah. Few years ago he started getting back his supressed memories and by now he has got most of the important memories.

He also told her that world fears him and to get rid of him it has chosen its champion or representative and some people to support its champion. In this way he labelled Ye Chen as an Enemy and a person who will try to kill him for stupidiest of reason.Lin Ruoxi absolutely believed in his story, her trust in him by now is absolute.

Lin Ruoxi looked at Noah in admiration as she thought,' That's the man I decided to devote myself to '. Thinkig that a smile appeared on her face and she felt butterflies in her stomach.

Noah looked at her and knowing everything has gone correctly, he said," So for me to improve your talent and awaken a powerful physique is easy so will you do it?".

On hearing his words a determined look appeared on her face as she said," I am ready dear, I promise that I will become strong enough to stand by your side and get rid of that World's chosen one".

Noah asked Ciel,' Ciel, it's time to awaken her physique, now it's up to you to do that '.

Ciel replied to him[Don't worry Dear! You can rely on me! Now all you have to do put your hand on her forehead]

Noah did what she said and placed his hand on Lin Ruoxi's forehead, while Lin ruoxi closed her eyes ready to awaken the physqiue.

Noah said in his mind,' Now!'. Ciel quickly started awakening her physique, and soon Lin Ruoxi's body started shining, a flame covered her and started changing her body.

While at the same time, a red cloud appeared on the top of Heavenly Immortal Sect, and a enormous amount of Fire Qi started gathering, this event shocked everyone. The scope of this event covered thousands of square kilometer.

Every Cultivator understood that some treasure is being born or something big is happening.

A Random Cultivator: What the hell is going on?! Is some treasure is being born?!

A Random Cultivator 2: Is some elder is breaking through Realms?!

A Random Cultivator 3: What is that beam of light coming out of the Core Area?!

Everyone saw a beam of fire coming out of Noah's personal compound, this made many people worried specially Alise who the moment saw this teleported there. On teleporting she saw Noah standing beside a Ball of fire, and she can sense extreme power radiating off from the flames and she quickly recognized the nature of the flames.

" Phoenix flames?", muttering that a warry look appeared on her face as she moved near Noah and quickly took his hand, then she asked him," Noah, what is happening here?".

Noah shifted his focus from the balls of the flame to her and said," Even I don't understand mother, but after spending a night with Lin Ruoxi, she said something strange is happening with her, I checked her and saw her body absorbing a lot of Qi and her body heat increasing, I wanted to take her to check up but at the same moment this happened".

Alise on hearing the line 'spending a night with Lin Ruoxi', got angry but quickly calmed herself and after hearing Noah's words she looked at the Lin Ruoxi surrounded by flames, soon the phenomenon stopped and Lin Ruoxi came out of the flames.

Her current appearance and previous appearance have heaven and Earth difference, her hair has changed into orange, and her face has become so beautiful that it even rivals Alise's.

Seeing Lin Ruoxi's new look a frown appeared on Alise's face while Noah moved near him, and used his Qi to cover her in clothes that are burned by the flames, and took her in his arms.

Alise was about to say something on seeing that, but she stopped when she noticed someone has appeared near him, it is the Ancestor of the Sect, the only Immortal King in the Heavens!

He looked at Lin Ruoxi with shocked, then at Noah and Alise who greeted them. He nodded to their greeting and Alise asked," Ancestor do you know what happened?".

The Old man gave Lin Ruoxi a look and said," It seems that this girl has awakened a physqiue and a powerful one that atleast a Immortal Level one, but to make sure we have to check".

Hearing that Alise became dumbfounded, she gritted her teeth and looked at Lin Ruoxi like she wanted to murder her, but thankfully she didn't do something like that and said," If it's that then it is indeed shocking to think someone like her will have a late awakening, not to mention such a powerful physique".

Her voice was cold and contained a hint of murderous Aura, the old man ignored it since Alise was always like that and shifted his focus on unconscious Lin Ruoxi and said to Noah," Noah, it's better to check her body now, I will call the Healing Saint, as for the damage and aftermath of that phenomenon let James and Alise take care of that".

Noah nodded while Alise face became colder, even so she nodded and quickly teleported to take care of aftermath.

Noah on seeing that sighed and thought,' I guess I need to tame her well, otherwise she will harm Lin Ruoxi'.
