Sara becoming Concubine (R18)

(Author's Note: Enjoy the R18)


3rd Pov

Noah's cock smashed the cervix of Sara's womb, his hips moved to and fro, and his balls slapped the entrance of her pussy, Sara is experiencing Nirvana right now and her mind can't think of anything else than mating with Noah! Noah's hands have groped her boobs molding them with force, slapping them, or pinching her nipples.


Sara is also kissing Noah, due to being Noah above her body, Noah's saliva is entering her mouth and she is taking it without any disgust. Noah suddenly fastened his hips knowing what is going to happen, he released his load inside her womb filling it to the brim.


Sara's eyes turned upwards as she reached Nirvana after Noah cummed inside her, he stopped the movement of her hips but didn't take out his cock outside her womb, he remained in this position and then gave a bite on her boobs, after giving them a few hickeys he kissed her and Sara grabbed his neck with her hands, they continued kissing for a few minutes before they broke the kiss.

Sara has already gained clarity in her mind, seeing that Noah took out his cock and sealed her entrance with a Talisman, and then started cultivating and absorbing all the Yin energy she released.

While he was cultivating, Sara tremblingly stood up a bit and started looking at his handsome face,' He is handsome as always ', she blushed thinking that she then looked at her body and seeing the bite marks she thought,' Did he did this to mark me as his? Or just because he likes to do this '. To be honest, she was hoping the situation to be the former but remembering who he is, her position, and the reason she is doing this tears came to her eyes.

Just thinking about that he will leave once his cultivation base has surpassed the limit where Dual cultivating with her would be no more useful she felt a sharp pain in her heart and tears started rolling down her cheeks. She quickly remembered that she is in the middle of a Dual cultivation session and if he sees her crying it will be detrimental she quickly started rubbing her tears.

"Sara why are you crying?", asked Noah, his voice stunned her, and seeing that he is looking at her a bit worried she panicked and tried to diffuse the situation," It's nothing Young Master Noah, you don't need to worry". Noah frowned and asked," Tell me if you are having any problem with Dual Cultivating with me, I can leave if you want".

Hearing his words she panicked more and said," No! I mean, I don't want you to leave... me", tears swelled in her eyes again as she started crying, she knows Dual cultivating with her will become useless to Noah after a few sessions and he will leave her forever, she wasn't able to hold back her emotions anymore and started crying.

Noah hugged her, Sara feeling his warm embrace snuggled to his chest, and kept crying, after a few minutes she became calmer and Noah softly asked her," If there is any problem you are facing you can always ask me", his gentle words made her heart beat loudly again, she softly asked him," Can you fulfill my one wish?", Noah calmly said," If it's not excessive I will fulfill it", after hearing that she sniffed his smell and then looked at his gentle eyes and bit her lips and said," Promise me you won't be angry"

Noah replied," As I said as long as your wish is not excessive I will fulfill it", Sara finally gathered her courage looked into his eyes with love, and said," Young Master Noah I love you as a woman, I know that it might be excessive of me to ask me but please make me your woman, I am fine with being your concubine, all I want is your love just the thought of you being away from me.." before she could finish her sentence Noah kissed her.

It surprised her and somehow she realized his answer, she closed her eyes and continued to kiss him passionately, after a bit they broke up and Noah said," Sara I also like you, and knowing your honest feelings I have decided to make you my concubine".

A wave of happiness passed through Sara's mind, she can't believe that Noah accepted her as his woman! She hugged him again, snuggled to his chest, and said weakly," I love you, I...I love you!". She continued muttering it again and again and after a bit she became quiet. Noah seeing her mentally sighed and thought,' Sara you are too cute, I am going to cherish you '.

After that he reminded her to dual cultivate alas she becomes pregnant, and after both of them, Dual cultivated continued their passionate mating, but this time it was a bit different from before, this time Sara released all his love for him.


Olivia was in her room like always, meditating and cultivating when she felt a disturbance, she opened her eyes and frowned, she then used her Aura to check her surroundings, and then she sighed.

She teleported out of her room to the Hall where Noah was waiting, she walked towards him and greeted him," I greet Young Master Noah".

Noah smiled and said," Sister Olivia how many times I have told you to just call me junior brother and not use honorifics". Hearing his words she sighed inside her mind,' If I were to do that and if it reached Miss Alise's ears then I am sure I and my sect will be wiped out ', thinking about Alise she shuddered and she made sure to be respectful to Noah.

She didn't show her thoughts on her face and calmly looked at Noah and said," Young Master Noah sorry but I have to address you as such due to your position and I may get punished if I don't do it".

Noah nodded and said," Anyway Sister Olivia, I have decided to learn the Healing arts, they may come as useful in the future for me". Hearing that Olivia's face changed a bit, she knew this was a big opportunity! She found Noah seemed to be interested in healing arts after she healed Lin Ruoxi and came to her sect several times, also he didn't call for her but when she get to know that he came.

She left every task she was doing and came to meet him, after all, he is Noah! Alise's son and probably the future patriarch of the Heavenly Immortal Sect, as long as nothing happens to him he is destined to rule whole Heavens in the future! And even the chances of him meeting a bad fate are nigh just because of the simple fact he is Alise's son.

She has lived longer than 10000 years and she knows of Alise's terrifying power and her deeds! She won't lie but even though she is scared of her, she also respects her for her strength. She already regards Alise as unprovokable existence, thus she will do anything to avoid her ire!

So she gave utmost respect to Noah in fear of provoking Alise, she also got to know about Noah's temperament and according to her he is young and sheltered and doesn't seem too bad person which is a huge relief for her because she doesn't know what will happen If he was like those young masters who just enjoy their status and r*pe women all day.

Now Noah's request is a huge opportunity for her since this means she can build a relationship with Noah which also means getting in good looks of Alise! She knows that while their sect is the best healers in the immortal world, their battle strength is not strong and if not for their Ancestors surrendering to the Heavenly Immortal Sect they would have been enslaved.

She is 10000 years old and she has seen the true face of the world and knows that for them to survive they need to remain vassals for the Heavenly Immortal Sect not to mention they are also the most powerful sect so she doesn't feel any shame in this and considers it as a blessing.

Now that Noah the next patriarch of the sect has requested her to teach him Healing arts she would teach him! She replied," Young Master Noah I can't express my joy knowing that you want to learn Healing arts from us, I promise you to teach all the Healing arts that I know best to my capability!", she also bowed maintaining her stature low before him.

While even core elders of the Heavenly Immortal Sect have to give respect to her, she maintained a low stature before Noah, while she is prideful she isn't arrogant, the respect they gave her is because of the connections she made by healing many powerful people and all her power means sh*t to Noah whom Alise is backing, after all, she is a 10000 years old mature young lady who knows the true nature of world not some arrogant Young Mistress.

Surrounding disciples became shocked hearing that! Yes, there were many core disciples and Elders too in the Hall but they remained silent lest they anger Noah. Many disciples were shocked by Olivia's words, they knew how hard it was to make a core elder teach them special Healing Arts, they need to work hard day and night and only if their results or talent interested then the Elders will personally teach them something.

If anyone wants to learn from Olivia then they need to be a prime disciple candidate at least or do some big contributions to the sect yet now a man only 20 years old who is not even a member of their sect wished to learn their art and their Sect Matriach and leader agreed to teach him personally with best of her capabilities.

Most of the elders were calm and knew why she did that while the disciples were envious, of everyone a man looked at Noah full of jealousy and envy, and when he saw Olivia being submissive towards him(or what he interprets) he clenched his hands. He has a secret he never told anyone!

He loves Olivia and desires to marry her and make her his woman, he thinks he can do so by taking the vacant seat of Patriarch and so he works hard daily and now sees Noah getting something that he dreamt of( he means getting tutored personally by Olivia) just because he willed it he was very jealous, alas the protagonist isn't him otherwise his characteristics match to a protagonist and not being the protagonist means he is a coward so he can only gulp his grievances.

Noah smiled and said," Thank you Senior Sister Olivia, now can we start now?", Olivia nodded and said," Yes Young Master Noah now follow me to the study room". Soon they both left the Hall while the disciples started talking about what just happened, the man also left and decided to f*ck some b*tch to let his anger off.


Noah Pov

I have started learning healing arts from Olivia and to be honest, I am interested in learning them after all I don't want to always depend on treasures for healing me in the future, and my talent while not the best is still high being at the level of prime disciple candidate, she was shocked by my talent in healing arts since according to her it requires good memory, calm mind and good control of Qi.

Now when I think about my armor my chances of getting injured at least in the beginning and the near the end is almost nill but it still can be used to heal others, also my attitude made Olivia more comfortable with me and she started regarding me as her junior brother despite the fact she still uses honorifics talking with me. In this way, I am hitting two birds with one stone.

Now all is left to make her and Sabrina fall in love with me and rebind their destiny with me before I leave for the mortal world and seriously mortal world is more interesting to me than the immortal world.

The immortal world is in its calmest period at least for me it won't be after hundreds of years did Ye Chen ascend will the things become interesting in the Immortal world, compared to the current Immortal world Mortal world is much more interesting with the daily chaos it occurs, I am waiting to visit the mortal world soon.

To be continued...

(Author's Note: Guys just a few more chapters before the plot begins)