The Self-created Grand Inheritance Test

(Author's Note: Guys, give me comments and reviews, my fire to write is dwindling only your comments and reviews can save me)


3rd Pov

One can see two naked people on a bed, an extremely handsome naked man and a beautiful woman, semen dripping from the pussy of the woman which was a bit red hinting it was sore, the woman's body has bite marks over her chest, and neck, the man too had bite marks on his neck as the result of the hickeys the woman gave him.

They were none other than Feng Mian and Noah who were cuddling together, Feng Mian's head was on Noah's chest as she happily slept satisfied, Noah caressed her soft naked back as he thought,' There should be 45 minutes passed on the outside world, I love this treasure Mom gave me it is such an awesome cheat '.

He spent a quite long with Feng Mian enjoying her body fully as he creampied her several times fortunately he didn't need to have worried about Feng Mian getting pregnant as Ciel had it covered, stupidly enough there is no special talisman, spell, or anything to ward off pregnancy in the Immortal World, it might be simply because Cultivators didn't care about it and any woman cultivator above Saint Realm was able to control her pregnancy, if she didn't want a child than other than using a Dual Cultivation method she can simply wish not to have and won't get pregnant.

Soon, Feng Mian opened her eyes blinking her eyes, her gaze fell on Noah seeing whom a smile appeared on her face," Master, I love you", she said as she snuggled in his chest, no matter how many times she said the same line, her feelings would make sure that her words never sounded a bit boring or annoying holding her love towards him.

He chuckled and caressed her cheeks, she enjoyed his touch and then went closer for a kiss, he touched her lips with his hands and held it, then sliding it towards her chin he went closer and kissed her, their tongues meet, and started dancing beautifully with each other, after a few minutes they broke and Noah slapped her sore butt making her moan, in the end, he again fucked her and gave her a deepthroat.

Once finished, he used a recovery talisman given to him by Olivia on her fully restoring her state, she stayed on his lap snuggling to his chest. Noah said," Mian'er I have a fantastic idea ", she looked towards her master in curiosity, he smiled and said," You know the reason they have sent you here right?".

She nodded and said," The realm exploration provides a battling experience to the Disciples of the sect, they can also harvest the monsters and rare herbs found inside and loot from the corpses of the people who had died before inside this small realm, other than that they also have chances of getting hidden treasures and rarely encounter inheritance tests."

He smiled and said," Exactly, and Inheritance Tests are the rarest and most valuable things in Realm Exploration if one was to get one can soar through his strength and become someone important in the future, so I have been thinking why don't I hold an Inheritance test?", Feng Mian blinked her eyes innocently processing what he said, then exclaimed in shock," Master do you mean?"

He nodded and hugged her tightly," I will use it to boost your progress and give you some good battle techniques, and no one will question it while everyone will praise you for getting such a strong inheritance", her eyes became moist hearing that and she thought,' Even my entire life won't be enough to pay this grace and love! I shall dedicate my entire being to you! '.

Noah meanwhile had another reason for doing so as well, he wanted to use the Inheritance test as a means to suppress Ye Chen, by enticing him with a grand inheritance he will crawl towards it as he requires power after knowing that he had been cursed, and he will use the tests to abuse him and then depower him while giving nothing.

Meanwhile, he will test Feng Mian's current battle prowess and reward her regardless of whether she wins or loses, after all, he is a villain so why would he follow the cultivator code of conduct which only allowed the worthy, in his eyes as long as someone was loyal to him that person was worthy. Thus, Feng Mian will be getting the maximum benefit out of it while doing almost nothing and others will get scrapes and Ye Chen will be toyed by him.

He smiled evilly while Feng Mian looked at him in a trance,' So handsome ', she thought looking at his evil smile cutely. Then he began explaining to her what to do next and after that, she left to find and group with other disciples of her sect as planned. ' Ciel, again, I would need your help for this ', he said.

Ciel giggled happily and replied,[ Why fear? When your waifu is here!]

Thus he began constructing a self-created Inheritance Test which would be grander than anything.


Feng Mian reached near other disciples of her sect gathered and as soon as she arrived she was greeted by a simpy Holy Son, Haitao who came near him with a gentlemanly smile and said," Feng Mian I am glad that you are alright, don't worry I will protect you from dangers and give you half of my gathered resources, so just relax okay?"

Other disciples looked at him stunned, Ming Yuan glanced at her bestie worried, and then at the simp, Feng Mian snorted and replied," Thanks, but I have no idea to become a lazy ass person riding on someone's back", he smiled and said," As expected of you! The prime disciple! Even your thoughts are so Noble! Everyone praises our prime disciple!!".

Everyone started praising her despite not understanding what the fuck is going on and if Haitao had gone crazy or not. Feng Mian ignored him and went near Ming Yuan and said," Let's start killing some beasts Yuan'er", she nodded and then followed her lead. Haitao followed after he acted like a dog rather than a leader of the group as he killed strong beasts in front of her to impress her.

Feng Mian lead them to the direction and general location Noah had given her where he would make the Inheritance test appear. Several other disciples saw the place she was going to be disadvantageous as it didn't have many resources but didn't dare to say anything in the presence of Haitao who acted like a bodyguard killing all the strong beasts nearing her and following her lead not caring where she is going had ordered them to follow her.

Just like this a few hours passed when they encountered the Disciples of Frost Flower Sect," It's you", Qing Yi said as her eyes narrowed glancing at Haitao who smiled and said," What a coincidence Miss Yi", he tried to put best act swallowing his desire to attack her and r*pe her brutally due to being in front of Feng Mian.

Qing Yi frowned seeing him acting gentlemanly and got wary,' We need to leave this place ', she glanced behind towards her fellow disciples who got her hint and nodded." We should part ways now, it will be unfavorable for both of us to stay near each other", Haitao grinned and said," I agree ", then he thought,' Once we separate I will send some of my dogs after her which will injure her '.

He smiled evilly inside imagining making her moan under his body in the future and Qing Yi looked at him disgusted getting a feeling of what he is thinking. Feng Mian came forward garnering everyone's attention and glanced at Qing Yi," You are Qing Yi right? Frost Flower Sect's Holy daughter right? I am Feng Mian, the Prime Disciple of Heavenly Sword Sect", she said introducing herself to the latter who frowned at her antics.

' What is she planning? Wait a minute?! The prime disciple of the Heavenly Sword Sect?!! ', she thought shocked, and glanced at Haitao who nodded and said," Yes, she is the Prime Disciple of our sect", hearing him she understood what she said was true as even if Haitao is scum he won't lie about such thing as he hates admitting himself inferior unless the person is worthy of it due to his pride, again it surprised her when she realized about haitao's current unusual behavior.

' She is weaker than me ', she thought after analyzing her not understanding how Feng Mian became the Prime Disciple as one needed to be the fastest one to become and True Golden Core Cultivator in their sect to have any chance at all. Others behind her who could see her true cultivation level were having the same type of reaction.

It even made her doubt if Haitao is lying but seeing the special robe she is wearing she decided to put this thought aside after all wearing a robe of false rank higher than her own is an extremely serious crime, and if an outer disciple was to pretend to be Inner disciple he/she will be executed directly for such a crime.

Suddenly a powerful beam appeared touching the sky and shining brightly," What-?", muttered Qing Yi covering her eyes, a huge shockwave arrived near them putting them off balance, once the shockwave subsided they glanced at the sky to see a huge figure of an elder man, his aura of Saint Realm Cultivator was revealed without any restraint.

Everyone inside the realm glanced at the huge figure and felt suppression and knelt without any hesitation, all the monster beasts inside the realm roared in pain as they turned into dust under the aura radiating from him not living a single one alive was left. People who were lucky to see them turning into dust were shocked greatly.

The figure's lips moved and he said," This is to everyone present inside the realm!! I am Great Emperor Che! and I ruled the continent once countless years ago! After meeting some conditions in which more than five people capable of getting my inheritance were to gather inside this realm created by me, the inheritance test left by me will automatically begin.

What are you seeing is nothing a remaining soul wisp of me! I have erased all the monsters beasts to free of the burden of hindering you all unnecessarily by them! Right now the Grand Inheritance test of my legacy shall begin and whoever were to get it will become a dragon or phoenix!!".

Everyone hearing that became excited as the suppression upon them eased letting them stand, they looked at the figure in awe and everyone was shocked, baffled, scared, and excited. The figure continued," Now begins the first test!! You all shall arrive near the Inheritance as soon as possible since only the first hundred to arrive will be the ones to move to the next level!!".

His words made many pale and some even started shouting how it was unfair, the figure gave an imposing aura forcing everyone to fall to their knees and shouted," Unfair?! You say?!! Don't you know this entire is unfair!! In this world exist only two people! Strong and Weak and only strong have the right to rule and decided the rule!!!".

Everyone's faces became pale hearing that and they were unable to refute, the figure then glanced towards Feng Mian's group which seemed like he was looking at all of them," As I said, there are five people present inside the realm having the ability to get my inheritance and properly use it, thus I shall make a special exception and let them advance to the second level directly".

Then a light shined at Feng Mian, Qing Yi, and Haitao stunning everyone near them, far away the light shined on Xin Yan and another person who was none other than Ling Ken, Ye Chen glanced at his good brother in shock and even Ling Ken was dumbfounded by this,' I one of the five worthies of this inheritance?!! ', he thought while Ye Chen's eyes looked at him in jealousy,' Why isn't it me?! I am more worthy than him in every way! After all, I am the one who inherited the legacy of an Immortal, Hmph! This is clearly an idiotic decision of that old man! ', he thought.

Noah had deliberately chosen Li Ken to create a crack between him and Ye Chen, as for the rest of them, they were the most talented present in the small realm and it would have been weird if they hadn't been selected. The next moment under the eyes of the several cultivators they disappeared making the rest look at this with jealousy.

However they soon recovered and started running towards the inheritance, fortunately for the Heavenly Sword Sect and Frost Flower sect disciples they were nearest to the inheritance which made every disciple of their sects pass the first test while the rest of them ran frantically towards the Inheritance test ground, it also resulted in a battle between several cultivators which became brutal leading to the deaths of many.

Ye Chen didn't rest either, and he ran frantically towards the Inheritance grounds and encountered some threats along the way which were none other than other cultivators prying to pass the first test. They knew that by eliminating the disciples they encountered on their way they lessened the competition which made them have a better chance of passing the test.

Thus, they battled against other cultivators with the intent to cripple or kill them, poor Ye Chen was surrounded by many cultivators and had to battle till he got a deep wound inside his arms, still, he managed to pass the test by securing the 100th position by the nick of time. Noah who was behind all this chaos smiled as he wanted the death rate of the cultivators to increase which would make this test more grander.

To be continued...

(Author's Note: Returning back to these fanfics of mine)