Alise's Past Part 2

(Author's Note: Feeling like I had a burn out)


3rd Pov

A Young girl with black hair and purple eyes in White clothes was bullied by other younger female members of the family. She had a pale face looking at her bullies who had smiles on their faces and an aura of arrogance and illusion of superiority as they bullied Alise.

" Tell me?! Are you the one who dirtied my clothes?", asked one of the bullies with an angry look, Alise trembled in fear and said," I didn't do it mis- Aghhh!", she was hit by a whip made up of Qi, her skin was peeled out a bit and she cried out in pain. The females snorted and another one said," This bitch, a common servant dares to dirties our clothes! Let's teach her a lesson".

All of them nodded and then started beating Alise or whipping her, who could do nothing but cry in pain, as they whipped her using Qi, all of them had a look of enjoyment as they bullied her, feeling a sense of superiority by showing a mere servant her place. Still, they dared not to kill her, knowing the consequences of doing so, thus after leaving her in a severely injured state they went back.

Alise kept crying in pain on the ground, and suddenly another girl who was clearly servant which was indicated by the white clothes worn by her came to her. " Alise! Take this pill!", she said with a look of worry on her face, Alise somehow took the pill inside her mouth, and the moment it entered her mouth, it melted and its medicinal properties started working which soon turned her from a critically injured to a healthy state.

After she was almost completely healed, she grabbed the hand offered by the girl in front of her, who was her only friend, Xiu Ye, and after standing up she said," Thank you Xiu, for your help", her voice was full of gratitude though one can clearly hear the pain she tried to hide. Xiu Ye said," Alise, you know how much hard is life for us mere servants, then why did you dirtied their clothes?"

Alise suddenly retorted with anger," I didn't do it! I clearly remember I washed all the clothes well!", Xiu Ye seeing her anger patted her shoulder and said," I see, it must not be your mistake rather those Young Missess had done it deliberately to bully you", Alise nodded hearing that, and her eyes became moist and she wiped her tears.

After a bit of comfort from Xiu Ye, she went back to do her remaining work of the day, As a servant if she were to leave out her work, she would be greatly punished and wouldn't be provided food for several days. Thus it was mandatory for them to finish all of their work before taking a rest.

To the great Li family, weaker cultivators such as them were only mere servants and to survive in this cruel world, they had no choice but to serve them like a slave, in return they got minimum protection, food, houses, and a additional salary, in a cultivation world these things are already quite adequate for lower cultivators like them.

Anyway, Alise was a servant of the great Li family, a powerful family in the Lower Heavens, and didn't know that she was the daughter of the patriarch of the family himself! For her entire life, she had been a servant who had been harshly treated compared to other servants who expect sometimes are barely treated this badly, ofcourse they aren't respected by the True members of the family, but they aren't treated absolutely worst as well.

Alise was always bullied by the Young Misses of the family, and they would always find some reason to bully her. She didn't have much knowledge about the world and even the common knowledge she knew was from her only friend, Xiu Ye. According to her, they treated her this badly as she, a mere servant was more beautiful than them.

It always puzzled her why would they care for the fact she is more beautiful than them. Isn't she just a mere servant? Why should they care about it? Alas, she didn't understand the pettiness of human beings. In this dark world, her only solace was her friend, whom she had known since childhood and who had always treated her well.

After today's incident and finishing her work, she quickly went to her servant quarters and took out a book from under her bedsheet. She then opened it and started practising the technique, Yes it was a technique used for hiding from cultivator's sense, as for how she got it had another unique story.

She didn't know about her origins, not the powerful Divine Physique she had, but she understood that, unlike others, she could cultivate without a cultivation technique and always kept it a secret. She hadn't been provided a cultivation technique not even the one that servants use for some reason, which just showed the cruelty of Li family to her.

But she had been able to cultivate, albeit extremely slowly, and had successfully become a 3rd Stage Qi Condensation cultivator at the age of 14. As for the technique she got in luckily when an assassin was killed by the Patriarch, his belongings were spread far out and wide in the end, and luckily she came across this technique, which was made up of some special material making it hide itself from the Cultivator's sense.

She didn't know how strong this technique was but being able to hide from Patriarch and other Elders who were Godlike beings to her, gave her enough reason to practice it. She had already attained Perfect Mastery in it and was attempting to gain a transcendent mastery. She knew with her current mastery she could even sneak behind the Elders and Patriarch of course unless they focus their senses on her.

What Alise didn't know was that the technique was an Immortal technique and only due to her heaven-toppling physique which while suppressed gave her a comprehension beyond anyone present in the sect. She also didn't know her Qi regenerated extremely rapidly even faster than her current cultivation, a benefit of her Physique only because of that she was able to use this technique.

There were a lot of coincidences and bullshit luck involved in her being able to get, master, and utilize this technique which was of course a courtesy of World's Will. Though for current Alise that didn't matter, she had plans to get strong enough to leave this cursed place and then explore the outside world.

Even if she had weakness, she was an independent girl, and instictually disliked the idea of depending on a male despite her current circumstances. " Hmm?", she found her friend to Xiu Ye go somewhere, no she wasn't able to sense her, but rather from the disturbance produced her room's door she was able to conclude this.

Thinking of something, she decided to follow her, and using her technique she quickly stalked behind her, soon she saw her friend Xiu Ye in front of Patraiach's room, and she couldn't help but get suspicious. The fact she was able to get inside enough through all formations to Patriarch's room was suspicious enough.

Again formations won't activate unless they are able to sense an intruder, unlike Alise who had an immortal technique, Xiu Ye other than being a 2nd Stage condensation Cultivator didn't have anything special about her. Soon under Alise's eyes the door opened, and a familiar man walked outside, Seeing Xiu Ye he smiled, and then grabbed her butt.

Alise's eyes widened as he took inside the room, her anger increased. No, she didn't think her friend was at fault rather she thought that the Patriarch had been forcing himself on her, She gritted her teeth knowing she could do nothing, It was fairly common for the True members to order the servants to please them sexually.

She gathered her courage and decided to sneak inside the room, thankfully her technique had several other uses such as matter phasing, though she called it Godly jump, and thus got inside the room, to see Aiden pounding Xiu Ye, but she was shocked by the fact Xiu Ye had a blissful face, having no indications of being forced. She decided to wait a bit, as for sex? She didn't feel a bit horny having to see two people mate, courtesy of her Physique.

Soon they calmed down, and Aiden said," Hmm, take this pill and give it to my daughter Alise", Xiu nodded and took it, seeing it being different from healing pills he often gave her she asked," What is this Lord Aiden?", he smiled and said," It will give intense pain as if the body is being pierced by million needles once eaten".

She shuddered hearing that, and Aiden continued," That Devil spawn had gotten quite used to the earlier torture methods, thus only something like this would be able to make her feel hell", Xiu nodded happily much as Alise's disbelief and shock. Still, she held hope Xiu was only doing it to not anger Aiden Alas the next day her friend gave her that pill after she was bullied again.

" Aghhhhhhhhh!!!!", Alise screamed loudly as she looked at Xiu Ye with a betrayed look, she felt hellish pain throughout her body. She gritted her teeth not wanting to show submission to Aiden, She did find out Aiden was her father yesterday, but to her, it mattered nothing. Even if she behaved like a normal girl, Alise had quite a twisted world view further twisted by the torture of Li's family and his father.

Hours later pain subsided and Xue Ye who had red eyes from crying said," Alise! It must be due to the overuse of the Medicinal Pill, forgive me I didn't know that you would experience something like that!", Alise put up a fake smile on her face and said," Don't worry, I am alright, and i know you didn't wanted to hurt me".

Xiu Ye nodded unaware of Alise's changes, after that day Alise worked harder to escape from the Li family, and after a year she got a suitable opportunity and ran from the Li house undetected with her technique, even after she escaped the Elders tried to search for her, thankfully due to her technique they weren't able to find her.

However, Alise soon realized how cruel the outside world was, and was reduced to a beggar. Still, to survive she did everything she could, She started killing other beggars to steal the pitiful amount of money they had, and kill the stronger Cultivators by making traps. Two years passed like this, and one day an extremely powerful Cultivator came to her, and ignoring her biggest reliance, the Sense Evading technique trapped her.

" What do you want?", Alise said, She had already changed too much and after the betrayal and living in the outside cruel world her tone of voice had also changed. The old female Cultivator glanced at her as if looking at treasure and said," To think someone would possess this Physique! Haha! Girl let me tell you! I am Patriarch of the Heavenly Immortal Sect and do you want to join me?".

(A/N: How did the Patriarch of the strongest Sect think to go to lower heavens and coincidentally meet Alise, and also coincidentally know about her physique from an ancient book back in the sect treasury

Alise remained silent, she couldn't go against him, as he was too much stronger and neither could escape as she had already failed once. In the end, she took the risk and agreed to go with him, and after that, she never looked back. She started killing aggressively to raise her cultivation and no one dared to go against her due to her status.

Soon she got a notorious identity and after getting strong enough she went back to kill Xiu Ye and her father.

" Please! Alise I beg you!", cried out Xiu Ye, who glanced at the corpse of Aiden, whose soul had already been consumed as nutrients by Alise, who ignoring her plea killed her, and when she glanced at her dead friend's body she erupted in a laughter," Pffttt, Hahhahahah! Did you see insects! I am the Real God here!", she said and then glanced at the surviving people who looked at her in despair.

It didn't need to be said, that she killed them as well while indulging in the act of killing them, she became what she disliked in the past. Yet nothing mattered to her, as Alise became what she needed to be, an Evil Dragon.

To be continued...

(Author's Note: I know it is a bit fast paced, but I have no mood of dragging this chapter to three or four parts)