Interesting thing?


Chen Li Pov

I am Chen Li and it had been a few weeks since I have transmigrated in this world! According to the memories of the original owner of the body, this world is a martial arts world! The realms of Martial arts are Bronze Body Realm, Silver Body Realm, Gold Body Realm, Dark Power Realm! Innate Realm! It was a complete surprise to me! Thankfully as a novel reader I quickly adapted to the situation!

At first, I was full of excitement! Even if this is not a cultivation world, it is still a martial art world! But soon I was disappointed! The father of the owner of the body was a mere Bronze Body Realm Martial Artist and was already dead! Mother of the owner was also dead, only a younger sister was left! 

Although I was left with some inheritance it was meagre and could only sustain us for a few years! Not to mention practicing Martial arts is really expensive! Even though I had a Cultivation Exercise, that the father of the original body practiced it was mere Silver Level, which could only take one up to Silver Body Realm in a lifetime! Higher techniques cost upto thousands of Golden Taels!

" Am I Chen Li! After experiencing something as miraculous as transmigration! Am I destined to be low side trash! ", I roared unwillingly, " Yes! Where is my Cheat?! System! System!!", I said quickly in nervousness and anticipation. Though after not getting any response, I was on brink of despair when it finally appeared.


[Invincible Martials Arts System is Online!]

" Hahaha! The novels didn't lie to me! Of course, system does come with transmigration!", I said with happiness and clenched my fists, now with system I could become an invincible Martial artist and make up for the regrets of my past life! I didn't live a rich life! Neither did I got a girlfriend! But now! In this era, I will open up a harem of beauties, become strong as heck!

Thus, with a grin on my face I asked," System, Tell me about your functions!"

[Ding! Individual 'Chen Li ' has been recognized as host of the system!]

[Host! This system's goal is to make you stand at the pinnacle of the Martial Arts and ascend to immortality!]

My eyes widened, so did my smile," Immortality! Haha! I am really the destined one!", I said full of satisfaction.

[Host! Invincible Martial Arts System will make sure your Martial Arts Cultivation has no bottleneck, for other functions though, host has to purchase them!]

I nodded, and after talking a while I understood it's function. Thus without waiting any further I started practicing the Martial Arts method that the father of the original had! By the night, I had stepped into the Pseudo-Bronze Realm much to my excitement! " Brother! What are you doing?!", I became shocked, and then looked to find the sister of original owner.

' Damn! She is beautiful! ', I thought looking at her, and gulped. She was equivalent to a School belle, and in my previous life such women won't even look at me! ' No control yourself Chen Li! She is now your sister ', I thought and with a smile I replied," Mi'er, I am practicing martial arts! Soon I will be a martial artist and no one will bully us anymore! ".

" Really?!", she asked surprised and I nodded proudly, then I patted her head making her giggle,' Original owner! Do not worry! I promise to take care of your sister! ', I thought with determination. Everything was going well, I just need to stay low for a few weeks, till I get back on our relatives who were trying to pressure us and then embark on a road of Martial Arts, yes that's how I envinsioned it, so why? Why my sister's head is laying separate on the ground?

" Hm, so the mysterious energy source I sensed, is coming from you?", I looked at the woman responsible for it, behind her everything had simply been obliterated, mountains that one could see at distant were no more, the town nearby was no more, just pure magma, hell, and destruction. " No!!!!!", I screamed seeing the head of my sister, my eyes bloodshot.

" System!! I don't care the price! Just give me the power to defeat her!!!", I said, with anger and I had full confidence in system! After all systems are invincible! Even this mere human cannot fathom it! Suddenly, I was struck by her beauty! Despite her cold face, she was gorgeous! She had black hair, and purple eyes, with weird pupils, her beauty simply surpassed mortal standards. Suddenly an idea to make her my woman came inside.

' Yes! How can I kill a woman? So what if Mi'er died, she was not my sister but originals! Not to mention, if I can get someone so beautiful like her as my woman! I would have no regrets! Though seeing her prowess she must be an immortal fairy! Damn here I just begin my journey of invincibility and I meet up end level boss! But I have system! I can win this! ', I thought with trepidation.

[ I am afraid I have to leave host, you are on your own], suddenly System said in a sarcastic voice dilating my pupils.

I asked in disbelief," System! What are you saying! I am your host! Your owner!! You must obey me!", I roared, the system only gave me a sneer and said,[ Idiot, you are too delusional, you a mere host of me try to claim ownership over me? Only Supreme System Goddess and Lord Admin have right to use me as they please! Ughh, whatever I am leaving]

I was dumbfounded and fell on the ground in despair," Oh? Interesting, so this what was I got in my Divine Sense?", suddenly the woman said as she pulled out something from me. I was stupefied as I looked at the object, It was like a holographic cube, no like two cubes superimposed on each other, with a golden core in the center.


[Error! Error!! Error! System is in danger! Activating Self-Defense Protocol! Going full power!], I heard the system's voice, this time not in my head but in my ears.

Next moment a void appeared on the woman's hand, and the system disappeared, while the woman withdrew her hand bleeding," Fufu, Really Interesting! Even though it had used its full power to attack me, and then take advantage to teleport away, it was still impressive- For a weakling", her tone changed, and my eyes narrowed as the cube returned to her hand.

[Extreme Danger!! Trying to Contact Supreme System Goddess!! Failed!! Not enough merit!!], the system's voice rang in despair.

I started laughing, I knew what had happened, and it only pleased me," Haha! Serves you right traitor!! You shouldn't have betrayed me! A mere cheat trying to betray his master!", I shouted venting out all my emotions. The system suddenly glew in red, only to be crushed under woman's palm.

" Not tell me, what are you? A system? I did hear my son telling me about it", she asked and I stopped, suddenly the system became docile and started beeping in a weird way.

[Forgive me for my rudeness M'Lady!! I just found in my database that you are listed as one of the Co-Admins by Lord Admin!], the system said.

' Huh?! ', I was stunned hearing it's words, I sneered thinking it was trying to lie it's way out but what happened next moment shocked me," Tell me the name of the person you call Lord Admin?", the woman asked and I said," Fairy! You mu-", my tongue was on the ground next moment and I started screaming in pain, and rolling on the ground.

[M'Lady! The Lord Admin is also known as Lord Noah or Admin Noah! He and Supreme Goddess have created systems like me, to parasite these beings called World's Protagonist, steal or devour their cheats, and then slowly extract their luck and provide it back to Supreme System Goddess! If we do good, we will be promoted into a stronger system, and at best, we might be able to serve Lord Admin directly!], the system explained to her, becoming slightly excited in the end.

" Oh? Fufu, to think my dear son will create 'Systems' ! I guess he will be using you fight against Heaven's Chosen One, hmm, considering that it will be bad as if his mother, I destroy his plans, anyway, do you need that idiot? ", she asked and my heartbeat almost stopped, I looked at system with a begging expression," Pgheas Pasre EMe", I somehow managed to utter a word.

[There is no need M'Lady, he is already useless, I will just search another host to parasitize], it said much to my despair, I wanted to beg! But- my consciousness started vanishing next moment. 


3rd Pov

" Well I did kept alive that insect till now, considering he was your host", Alise said not batting an eye, she was interested in so called systems, after all just one managed to wound her. Her! Alise! Proving that system was quite powerful, and her son had created thousands like this. She asked," How powerful are the systems created by my son?"

[M'Lady, we aren't that powerful, I am already one of the strongest system to exist, even so the weakest is stronger than 1st Stage Dao Formation Realm, considering we need to steal something like luck, and travel from one world to another, suppress the world's will, and even have to steal or destroy the World's chosen's original cheats or method of getting stronger], the system replied truthfully, making her a tad disappointed.

She was only at Dao Tribulation Realm, and had massacred a few trillion living beings since her descent, even so her Dao had gotten only a few times stronger, " Can you tell me where Noah is? ", she suddenly asked, the system replied,[ Forgive me, but I do not have any such information, I just know Lord Admin is one of the mortal worlds which is connected to Immortal World and according to my information, such worlds are protected by Heaven's will itself making them mostly inaccessible by ordinary means and I can also not connect to Supreme System Goddess unless I have enough merits]

She sighed in disappointment," Whatever, anyway, you can go. My son, will visit me if he wants", she said and let the system go, which once teleported away, she unleashed her Qi and destroyed the world, killing all it's inhabitants in one go, though in a sense she only destroyed the life on the planet and damaged it, after a long time it will recover brimming with life again.

To be continued...

(A/N: This Chapter just shows the effect of the systems Noah had unleashed in the universe, we will be going back to the main plot with the next chapter.)