The archives were guarded well, with four men stationed outside, preventing access to the files inside.
"The Grand Master gave us access. We have an hour to scour through the archives for a mission. Call him to verify if needs be." Roxy explained, stepping forward to be allowed access through.
"Not possible." One of the guards told, his face obscured by a mask underneath his hood. "You both have not got clearance to enter through. We are on strict orders to keep this sealed with no one but the High Council entering."
"That's impossible! We just spoke to the Grand Master, who allowed us to go through!" Tyler told, raising his voice with anger.
"Mr Brown, right? We've heard a lot about you. An impressive Hunter, highly skilled. You, of all people, do not have access to enter here. If you complain about that, take it up with the High Council. Now get out of here!"
Roxy and Tyler walked away, understanding that there was no way they would get through without a fight.
"Look, let's go home and figure this out from there. See what we can dig up online about this werewolf." Roxy said, tugging Tyler's arm, "It's better than nothing. We need to catch this beast before they kill anyone else."
"That sounds like a good plan. Maybe the internet will tell us where we can go. Not to mention, they said the Vigilante was at the scenes. So maybe he and I should have another word."
Tyler and Roxy left the Hunters Guild and began to walk home. Pulling out his phone, Tyler searched his contacts for Thomas, hoping he would be able to provide some answers for them.
"Hey Thomas, it's me." He began, "Listen, bud, we know something's been happening with the bodies dropping. The Council think it's a werewolf. Would you mind sharing some information on what you know?"
Thomas paused, struggling to come to terms with Tyler's awakening.
"Holy shit, man! You're up? I was just about to enter my hideout, expecting to see you both there! How are you feeling? Are you okay?" Thomas sounded frantic, his words getting caught on one another.
"I'm doing okay, mate, just a little fuzzy at times. We can have a proper catch-up soon. For now, though, we need to know everything you know about the crime scenes. Every bit of evidence, suspects, the whole lot. If it is a werewolf, then the carnage will be unlike anything else."
Thomas began typing on his computer, bringing up all the case files on the murders he attended, loading up floods of information.
"I have a couple of suspects but now closed down to one. A girl named Hannah Young. She lives at 54 Bleaker Street."
"Why is Hannah your main suspect? Got only clues or something to back that up? I don't want to be hunting a little girl on a hunch."
"She's not a little girl. She's the same age as us. Turned 18 two weeks ago. She's my main suspect because I've been looking into hospital cases. Patients who have had fevers, chronic pains, onset arthritis and unknown scratches on their body. She's the last one to be ruled off my list. I'm not saying she is the werewolf you're after, but that's the best I can offer. As for hunting her? Is there a way you can help her? I haven't stopped thinking about what you and Roxy said a few months ago. It probably feels like yesterday, but you told me you wanted to make a difference. Neither of you managed to take me up on my offer to join me, but you had your episode, and we never got further than that. But maybe look into a way to save her. From my research, werewolves are created from a scratch. The old one chooses the new heir. She's probably scared about what's happening to her. Just take it easy before you do something drastic."
Tyler thought long and hard about his response. The Hunters didn't care whether she was alive or dead brought to them, and he was curious as to why.
"I'll try to help her." He began, "I'm not saying there is a way to save her, but the Hunters want her alive or dead, so maybe there is a way. I'll talk to her and see what she knows. Thank you, Thomas. You may have just saved a lot of people's lives."
"Don't mention it, Tyler. I just hope there is a chance for her. You should come to school tomorrow. I'm guessing you know about the situation with Robert? I'm doing everything I can to find him, but seeing your face again will surely cheer everyone up. Just think about it."
Tyler hung up the phone, ignoring Thomas's last comment. He dares not to think about Robert again, choosing to focus on the mission at hand.
"54 Bleaker Street. A girl named Hannah Young. Thomas thinks that she is the best suspect. He's a good detective. He went through the hospital files looking for people with symptoms. I'll head over there later and chat with her, see what she can tell me."
"Why later? We could just head over there now. There's not much point in waiting!" Roxy asked.
"No. I'm doing this alone. Let's go home, and I'll suit up, pretend to be a representative for the hospital, ask her some follow-up questions about her symptoms, see if she matches the typical werewolf symptoms, and go from there. I want to take her alive. Thomas made a good point. She didn't choose the hide. She's most likely afraid and not in control. We need to try if there is a way to save her."
Roxy agreed, appreciating his newfound hope and walked with him back to their home.
Tyler searched through his wardrobe, bringing out a black suit with matching trousers and a red tie.
"How do I look?" He asked Roxy, who was sitting on their bed admiring his scrubbed-up look.
"You look amazing, Tyler!" She said, standing up and kissing him gently. "Here are the keys." She handed him her motorbike keys, trusting he could do the job alone.
"Thank you. I'll be back soon, and I'll call you immediately when I leave. I'll see you shortly, okay? Get some rest. I think you need it."
Roxy nodded, kissing him once more before watching him out of the window speed away on her bike.
'Be careful, my love.' She thought to herself.
Tyler walked to the door of Hannah's known address and pressed the doorbell, placing his hands in front of him, holding his wrist in one. He could hear someone rush down the stairs to open the door and watched it slowly creak open, seeing a girl with blue hair and green eyes standing before him. She wasn't much older than Tyler was, maybe twenty?
"Hannah Young?" He asked, trying to sound professional.
"Yeah, that's me? Is everything okay?" She asked, sounding afraid.
"I'm from the hospital. A physiatrist was asked to come to assess you after your recent exam. May I come in?"