Loss and Promise.


Sasha opened the gates to the cell, "Wake up Adria! you going out today." She reached the cell bed and pulled the blanket off his body.

"Leave me alone Sasha! I want to sleep some more." He grumbled shamelessly as he pulled the blanket back on his body. Sasha could not help but sigh. Although this was a cell, Adria was still an officer. His treatment here was certainly not bad, especially with the kind of influence he had.

She could even see empty bowls of apple pie in a corner of the room. And even though Adria got rid of the used cigars, she knew for certain that he had been getting some. For many, the cells were probably a nightmare, but for Adria, it was just another home. It was no wonder he was highly reluctant to leave.

"Adria!!! get your ass up or I swear, I'll throw you out!" Sasha was slowly getting impatient. There was still no attempt to leave from Adria.

Sasha smiled villainy, "I love it when you pick the fun part!"
