
Squatterbloat motioned with his hand, "If You vote on going back to the Citadel, move to my right. And if you vote on moving forward with this mission, move to my left."

At first, everyone paused and looked at him weirdly.

"I am serious!" Squatterbloat added, "your lives are at the end, your own. Although you might be soldiers, you are still human beings. I will not have any more blood unless it is willing to be shed. And do not worry, there is no shame in this and you shall not be reprimanded for it too."

After a minute of contemplating, the officer that had agreed with going on the mission earlier in other to get on Helen's good favor moved to the right.

Helen opened her eyes in shock at this, but that was not all. Adria went to the left, and this shocked her some more. If she was told to guess who would first be against her mission, she would definitely first pick Adria in a heartbeat.