Mopped with the Floor...

However, something unexpected happened. Sasha tried to dodge an attack but found that her legs could not move.

"Got You!" Black widow whispered as she smiled and fired some more of her webs from her chest.

Sasha blocked with her hair as much as possible and then she discovered that she tried to move her hair but it was fruitless.

Sasha suddenly had a realization. All the time Black widow had been shooting webs at her and she had been blocking, was actually a trap. Although the speed of the web made it a deadly weapon, Sasha had the ability to make her hair stronger and tougher. Just like Adria had the ability to toughen his blood.

However, this was a trap Black widow was counting on. Since the webs no longer made impart when Sasha defended, they did the next best thing. And that was sticking to Sasha's hair.