Tale of Lost boys 17...

More Vampires had decided to go after the helpless girl. Adria was still too far, and although he tried to get as close as possible, He knew deep down that he was about to lose her. The emergency of that thought alone was like a bomb that exploded in his mind.

He could not believe it. After all, he had always told himself that if he had more power, he would do better, try harder, push higher, or even better, he would have done all these things facing that vampire the other day at the church. But here he was, looking as Emilia was about to be devoured.

In his mind, all he could think about was how he was about to lose yet again the girl that had literally become the angel of his dreams. This thought seemed to activate a begging reaction in his mind. Like his consciousness was pleading for a way to reach her faster. His mind begged every muscle, bone, and nerve to do better.