Memory lane.

Slowly, she walked up to him.

Adria was usually very sensitive to his environment.

However, for some reason, he did not notice her arrival.

He sat on a log of wood just at the edge of the waterfall.

By his side was a bottle of liquor.

Helen had a feeling that the alcohol must have contributed to the damping of his senses.

"Hey!" she whispered slowly.

Adria turned. Realizing it was her, he maintained a straight face, immediately wiping off the tears.

"Are you okay!?" she asked softly.

He groaned lowly, "yes!" he replied in a low tone, trying his best to hide his current unmanly look.

However, she instantly saw through his terrible acting.

Careful, she took her place just beside him, "do you want to talk about it!?" she asked.

He shaked his head, "Naa!"

"Are you sure!?" She asked again.

He nodded but as he did, his head went low and he could not just stop the tears from flowing out.

This confused her. She had never ever seen him in this manner.