Spy in the home...

While Snowbottle and Nora contemplated a solution to their current problem, something else was taking place.

This particular event that triggered other array of events was probably done out of innocence and a zeal to defend one's own country.

It Happened back at the Hole and it was in response to a promise this man had made to himself a long time ago.

Bridges was not the Greatest commander out there, but he was definitely one of the most humble and straight forward of them all.

He worked great under stress and had a knack for being part of great achievements. Of course, the definition of great in this case referred to both great wins and great losses that humanity had achieved against the Vampires.

However, regardless of his great losses, the reason why he had not yet been forced into retirement, was because one that could do such an effective job as him had not yet been found.

No! there might have been, but one as bold as him was like looking for the sun in the night sky.