Snowbottle's change on life energy 9...

Long before the discovery of Soul energy which was called ryeoun energy by modern day science, the ancients had discovered it, and even found a way to improve lives by using Soul energy.

Unlike how modern science only used it based on greed, as fuel for cars and bombs to destroy the society.

Their great technology resulted to the Ancestral soul core.

Snowbottle had a some questions, but then again, he knew that vampires feed on soul energy and the blood was just the means to get it.

So it made sense that they came for the Ancestral soul core but what he could not understand, was how it was possible that an ordinary Human could fight off a deadly vampire.

This was a very subtle question and Snowbottle was bubbling with curiosity to find out.

"Are you human?" Snowbottle asked.

Sizau looked at him, and then he burst into a laugh.

"Of course I'm human. Or what do I look like to you, a camel?"

"Then how did you do it? How did you fight off that vampire on your own?"