Borrowing Money Part 3

  Wilhelm tapped his fingers gently on the table, looked at an envelope placed in front of him, and couldn't help but sigh.

  The envelope contained forty bank notes, each of 5 million, for a full 200 million U.S. dollars.

  This is a real huge sum of money. If calculated according to the inflation rate, the 200 million US dollars will be equivalent to nearly 3 billion US dollars in 2020!

  Although he got this huge sum of money, Wilhelm was still a little depressed, after all, this was far from the 500 million he planned.

  What to do? It must be impossible for William II to spend any more money. Where can he find another 300 million to collect?

  It was impossible for Wilhelm to tell William II about the financial crisis that broke out in the United States at the end of 1929. If it were to be said, maybe William II would treat him as a paranoid, not only claiming the 200 million US dollars back, but also sending him to a Mental hospital! !

  You must know that the treatment of mental illness in the German medical community during this period was insulin injections.

  That's right, it is the insulin injected by later generations for diabetes.

  Insulin, discovered in 1922, I am afraid I never dreamed that it would be used as a treatment for mental illness.

  After giving high doses of insulin, mentally ill patients usually become quiet and fall into a coma. Isn't this just a simple hypoglycemic shock? But in the eyes of the German doctor Manfred Schack who invented this treatment, this means that the symptoms of psychosis have disappeared! (Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder). This treatment was even used by the most respected academic institutions in the United States, and it was used until the 1950s.

  Wilhelm didn't want him to be put into a psychiatric hospital and receive treatment with a mortality rate of only 10%.

  Only use two hundred million to operate? But he is really unwilling to waste this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If he manages properly in this financial crisis, he can definitely get back two or three times the profit. In other words, if he doesn't make up the remaining 300 million, it will be a waste or loss of hundreds of millions of dollars in steady profits.

  That's hundreds of millions of dollars! Not a few dozen! With these hundreds of millions of dollars, many of his plans can be implemented much easier.

  And if I miss this opportunity, for the next financial crisis I will have to wait for at least half a century. And If the history  changes because of him, then only god knows when it will happen again.

  No matter what method you use, you have to make up to 500 million!!

  Thinking about this Wilhelm felt he could only find his best friends now.


  Several dudes gathered together and began to bluff. "Good god. Last time I thought there were only two secretaries. I didn't expect you to have four." "Wow, you are really prodigal." "Hey, those four are here on time. Lets take them out for a drink." how about it?"

  Wilhelm couldn't help rolling his eyes, these scumbags. "Shut up all of you. It is very important for me to come to you. Are we brothers?" All of them and Wilhelm grew up playing together, but their backgrounds are a bit interesting. Some people's families are ordinary capitalists, and some are Junker nobles. It can be said to be a noble, but it is just the bottom of Junker.

  The high-level Junker nobles were handled by Wilhelm's brother, the former crown prince, and Wilhelm didn't bother to participate in these matters.

  The six nodded without hesitation. "of course."

  Wilhelm asked. "If brothers are in trouble, will you help?"

  Several people said in unison again. "Of course help!"

  "Well, I need a lot of money."

  When it comes to money, a few people can't help but look at each other. They are all spending pocket money given by their family now, and they don't have much money in their hands. "Uh, how much?"

  Wilhelm held out a finger. "At least ten million dollars per person."

  As soon as his voice fell, several people muttered "Fuck."

  Ten million U.S. dollars is not a small sum, and their reaction is expected, but the fat Bowen gnawed at the apple without saying a word, Wilhelm couldn't help wondering. "Bowen, why don't you say something?"

  Bowen swallowed the apple in his mouth and asked back. "Uh, is ten million dollars a lot?"

  Wilhelm couldn't help but pat his forehead, and forgot that Bowen was not very flexible in his mind. The reason why he didn't respond was not because ten million was a small amount to him, but because he didn't know what ten million meant. Anton next to him explained. "Of course it's too much. The high-end car your dad bought a few days ago is more than ten thousand dollars. Ten million dollars can buy a thousand such cars."

  "What?!" Bowen almost jumped up. "My dad has been distressed for a long time when he bought that car!"

  Everyone fell silent, with helpless expressions on their faces. "But, Wilhelm, why do you want so much money?"

  Wilhelm shook his head. He couldn't even tell his own grandfather, let alone tell them his plan. "Try your best, as much as you can. I will pay the money back in early 1930 and I guarantee a minimum profit of 10%. "

  Bowen asked again. "What is 10% profit of 10 million?"

  Wilhelm replied casually. "1 million."

  Bowen thought for a while and nodded. "It seems very good. But I don't have that much money. I have to go back and ask my dad for it."

  His last words seemed to wake up everyone, nodding their heads.

  Back home, Bowen happened to see his father sitting on the sofa in the living room reading the newspaper, and he couldn't wait to ask. "Dad, is there money in our family?"

  Old Bowen simply replied without raising his head. "No."

  "Oh." Bowen grabbed and ate the biscuits on the coffee table.

  After waiting for a while, he didn't see his son's answer, which made Old Bowen a little curious. "Why are you asking this? No money to spend?"

  Bowen was chewing cookies in his mouth and said vaguely. "It's nothing, Wilhelm called us over just now and wanted to borrow some money."

  His Royal Highness wants to borrow money? This is new, Old Bowen put down the newspaper in his hand and asked. "How much does he want to borrow?"

  "At least ten million dollars."

  Ten million dollars? Old Bowen couldn't help taking a breath. "What does he want so much money for?" He knows his son's virtues very well. His son and his friends, including the current emperor, are nothing more than 'spending money on weekends'. But after the last incident, he didn't know what His excellency Wilhelm wanted to do. Last time he bought several companies that were about to go bankrupt, and this time borrowing 10 million US dollars?

  Bowen shook his head blankly. "I don't know, Wilhelm didn't say it. But he said that the money will be paid back in early 1930, with a 10% profit."

  Old Bowen pondered for a while and asked. "When does his Highness want it?"


  Old Bowen nodded. "I see, you go in and sleep."

  "Oh, good night, Dad."

  When Bowen returned to his bedroom, Old Bowen picked up the cigar on the coffee table and fell into deep thought after lighting it.