22. Open

Tanya's POV

"Calm down darling, it looks worse than it is," he said in a hurry as my eyes grew wide and fear clawed on my skin as the ugly scar ran downwards from his shoulder to his arm, blood clothed around it and I swear it appeared deep.

"Holy shit," I muttered in a quiet voice and slowly reached for his elbow.

"You don't need to worry love, it's healing," he aimed to assure me as my face drew closer to the injury to inspect it. "It was worse than this."

How does that help my worry? My subconscious asked in my head and I shot him a gaze that interpreted just that.

"I promise it'll heal in no time, I just need to get it cleaned to prevent any sort of infection," he responded offering me a small smile. "You don't have to worry."