37. Traitor

Tanya's POV

"Open this fucking door!" I banged on the metal knowing someone must be out there.

"As your Luna, I demand you to unlatch this door immediately!" I yelled, hitting, kicking, and slapping. Anything to help me release the pent-up rage I felt.

"Okay Luna," a calm voice from the other side answered. I heard the bolts in the door loosening, soon after the large metal slid open, and I was met with a man with brown eyes and dark hair in a guard uniform.

Shaky hands punched in the code as his eyes darted back between me and my parents. His eyes accessed me to see if I was hurt and then nodded, pressing a button on the pad for the door to open slightly.

"Thank you," I offered a small smile despite my anger at him as I stepped over to his side. I made eye contact with my now-found-to-be adopted parents and granted them a nod. I turned around and left the guy to complete the locking of the cell.