50. Friend

Tanya's POV

The previous day was spent with Dante cooped up in our room. He didn't let up, only leaving to bring me food and returning to give me company. Trust me I'm not complaining, I appreciate it more than you can ever imagine.

He'd just had his bath and so I abandoned him the moment he stepped out as I felt the tingles returning the instant my eyes met his toned chest and abs with water droplets gliding down his bronzed skin.

He was a sight for sore eyes and mine were very much sore, however, I didn't let myself appreciate it as I dashed to the bathroom the instant he was out. Only heaven knew what I would have done if I had stayed in there an extra second.

His chuckle reached me through the closed wooden door and I scoffed in irritation though he couldn't see me. I would bet my last dollar that he was laughing at the image of me scurrying away in his loose shirt, my skin pink with embarrassment.