58. Man

Tanya's POV

I braced myself at his warning, however, nothing could have prepared me enough for the hard and pleasurable feeling of his dick slamming into my feminine walls.

"Dante," I moaned as he pulled out almost completely and rammed into me, pushing my body forward on the desk.

"Shit," he uttered in a hoarse voice, his grip on my waist tightening as his eyes shut for seconds as if capturing the feeling to mind. "You feel-- fuck!"

I gasped, my back arching as he hit a deeper angle that had me at a loss for words. My breath hitched as he rendered a slap on my butt cheeks, his irises filled with fiery lust as he bit his lip and squeezed my cheek with his free hand.

The same hand moved upward across my naked back to wrap his fingers around my ponytail and yanked me up. My lips parted as the position caused him to seem thicker and more profound.