72. Wedding

Tanya's POV

"You are beautiful, and I say it with all honesty," Leo whispered in my ear as our arms linked at the foot of the stairs.

He was clad in a blue suit which was chosen for the father of the bride. I twinkled affectionately at him as his eyes went teary, and he grinned from ear to ear.

"I won't ever take this moment for granted," he conveyed as we crossed to the exit of the mansion. "It's an honor to be here and I don't deserve it one bit."

"Despite all odds Leo, you were a good father," I stared up at him. "Don't forget that."

"Someone pinch me because I think I must have done something good, died, and gone to heaven," Eve declared as we were in the garden. She was loud enough that a few people swerved backward to see who spoke.

"Eve," Leo breathed in a sigh. "Please, just for today."