10. Rise

Tanya's POV

All eyes swerved to the source and surprise filled the area as it was discerned to be Nelly. She was no longer crouching behind Abigail but standing straight in her previous position.

"Nelly," I called as she walked to the stage and climbed the three steps. "What are you doing?"

"I don't think killing him is the best option," she let out, her tone timid as her brief confidence had disappeared.

"What?" Dante quizzed in a dumbfounded expression. I was sure my face mirrored his.

"Please elders, Luna." She switched gazes between the panel of judges and me before moving to Dante. "Alpha."

"Why do you think so child?" Ralph interrogated, his eyes fixed on her. Not a single sound was heard from the congregation. Scanning the faces of everyone, I frowned as I spotted Courtney in tears.