128. Here?

Tanya's POV

I felt his shock as his lips didn't budge. I didn't relent as I knew he would give in and pressed my mouth harder on his. That did the trick as he released a groan of defeat and granted me access.

His arms skidded from his sides to wrap around my waist while he took control of the kiss. It was my turn to make a sound, rather mine was of triumph and need as electricity ran down my spine.

I bit his lower lip and he hissed at that, our tongues meeting in a beautiful dance of our souls. I kissed him to prolong the moment I would hear his response, however we couldn't keep kissing for ever and so in a painful second, it ended.

Our breathes came out heavy and my forehead rested on his while his hands remained pinned on my sides. Only the air leaving our nostrils was heard together with the ticking clock as silence enveloped the room.

"What did you say?" He asked, his palm gliding downward to grip my ass.