130. Horn

Tanya's POV

A loud horn penetrated my slumber and the reoccurring dream I'd been having. Muttering profanities under my breath, I groaned and rolled on the mattress, the duvet wrapping around me like a duvet.

"God not now," Dante grumbled from my right, he too moving around in irritation on the bed as the annoying ear splitting noise kept ringing in the air.

"What the hell is that noise?" I mumbled into the pillow as I unconciously fought with the sleep that threatened to leave my lids from the annoying wake up call.

"It's a newly installed alarm in a case of attack," he blurted in response as if it was no big deal.

My lids unraveled sharply as his words registered in my head, my body going stiff as my eyes widened. Hastily, I rolled till my back was on the bed and sat up in shock.

"What did you say?" I implored, gawking at his dozy form, hair scattered on the pillow and eyes still shut.