132. Determination

Tanya's POV

Sadly weeks had gone by with no signs of Dante and my baby bump was starting to show as my pregnancy had progressed into the third month. My bump wasn't that noticeable from afar, rather at a close range it could be seen.

Each new day seemed like a torture as I woke up without him by my side on the bed or even the thought that I could run into him somewhere at the mansion or maybe he could come into the room with that attractive face and cocky smile.

Such was not the case however as it became a struggle to survive every 24 hours without a minute of his presence. I thought I would get used to it after some days, turned out I couldn't as every pain felt different than the last.

It was difficult trying to live without the hope of his return while at the same time striving not to loose hope as anything was better than being hopeless. Each time a guard came to me, my heart always picked with the thought of the news of his location being discerned.