Chapter 9

Aniya pov

In the morning when I went to my grandma's room to give her the breakfast, I saw she was burning with the fever. I quickly ran to the Royal doctor and told her about grandma.

"Doctor, you should check my grandma. She is burning with fever." I told her. She quickly took her important stuffs and came with me. She checked grandma and then said that it's not any normal fever.

"Alex, listen carefully. Your grandma isn't suffering from any normal fever. She got a rare disease. But I know it's antidote. But I need a plant. Look at this book. I need this plant. You can find it in the forest." She said.

"OK! I will go in the forest and find this plant." I said to her. I set out for the forest. I came to the forest and started to find that plant. I tried to find everywhere. But it was really rare. I thought I would find it quickly. So I didn't say it to Prince Frank before coming to the forest. But I couldn't find the plant quickly.

3 hours has been passed away, but I was still finding the plant here and there. Suddenly, Prince Frank came to help me.

" Prince, what are you doing here?" I asked him.

"I'm here to help you. Let's find the plant together." He said. We started to find the plant together. And once we get it. Then we made our way back to the Palace. We talk a lot along the way.

"By the way, Alex who taught you to read or write?" He suddenly asked. I really shocked at that question.

"I told you before. It was my grandma who taught me to read and write. Why are you asking?" I asked shockingly.

"Actually, I talked to your grandma today. She said that there was no school in her time." He said., I got scared. I should warn grandma about it. Why did I forget to tell her that.

"Actually, my father was a literate person. He taught my grandma and she taught me. That's it." I said. He said that he believed my answer. But did he really believe my answer? Or he was just pretending to believe that? I didn't care about that. But I have to be more careful from now on.

We came back to the Palace. I quickly came to the Royal doctor and gave her the rare plant. She took it and started to make the antidote for grandma. When she finished making it, she gave me the antidote and told me to give this antidote to my grandma everyday before breakfast and dinner. I took it and left her chamber. I was still thinking about the Prince. He must be doubting me. Thinking this, I was walking through the long corridor. Suddenly, I bumped into someone. The person fall down. I looked at the person and realized that it was princess Florence. She is Prince Frank's only one sister. She is younger than him. She is younger than me too.

"I'm so sorry, princess. I didn't notice you. I should be more careful. I'm really sorry." I said. She didn't say anything, just looked at me. She always be busy with her fashion. So she didn't meet me before.

"Um.... Princess, I am Alex. Your brother Prince Frank's Bodyguard and assistant." I said and extend my hand to her. She stood up but didn't say anything. Just looked at me.

"Umm.. Princess are you OK?" I asked confusingly.

"What is your name again?" She asked. Doesn't she have ear? I told her my name few seconds ago.

"Alex, princess." I said. She was still looking at me with her pearl like eyes.

"YOUR SMART! Not like normal boys. I LIKE YOU." She said and left the place immediately. What was it again? She just like me or anything else? Oh bloody hell! What else do I have to see? Anyways, I went to my grandma's room with the antidote.

"Grandma, I am back. And here is your antidote." I said. Grandma looked at me with her smiling face. I placed the antidote on the table. And then I chat with her. After some chatting I got back to my work. I went to the Prince's room.

"Prince, do you need anything?" I asked him.

"No, but I need some chat with you." He said. My body became freeze. What does he want to tell me.

"Come closer." He said. It made me more scared. I went near to him.

"Alex, actually I wan...." He was going to say something but suddenly someone opened the door.

"Brother, how are you?" Princess Florence suddenly appeared and ruined our conversation.

"What are you doing here? And why didn't you knock before your arrival?" He asked with anger.

"I just forgot. I don't think I need to knock before come. I just do whatever I want. Anyways how are you?" She asked again.

"Huh? First, you came to see me after a few weeks. Second, you ruined my conversation with Alex. And now YOU ARE ASKING HOW AM I?" He growled at her. She just rolled her eyes.

"Who asked about your condition. I was asking Alex." She said made me nervous.

"aaa,,,,, umm..... Me?" I got confused.

"Yup, you. How are you?" She said.

"Umm... Fine maybe." I said, she smiled.

"OK now let's go." She said and made her way back to the door.

"Go but where?" I asked confusingly. She looked back at me.

"Just do whatever I say. I am a princess, understand?" She said.

"He won't go anywhere with you. He is my assistant. Only I can order him. He will only listen to me. So you can't say him what to do." Prince Frank said. Then the two siblings started to argue with each other. I was just listening to them. I had other choice.

" Can you relax, please?" I said.

"Who are you ordering us? Just sit quietly." They said together. They are both the same. After all, they are siblings.

To be continued...