Chapter 21

His lips slowly moved to my neck. It froze my body. My whole body trembled. My brain wasn't working. It seems like the time had stopped.

"Frank please stop." I said gently pushing him.

"I just can't control myself when I'm with you." He said brushing his finger on my hair. I looked at the ground as I couldn't look at him. He pushed me on the bed and kissed my neck again. I pushed him back and left the room without thinking anything. I came out of the Palace. The sky was already dark. I couldn't understand anything. There was a bench in the garden. I sat down on the bench. I don't know if I love him or not. I closed my eyes for a while. But when I opened my eyes, it was already morning.

"You slept here last night?" Princess Florence was in front of me.

"Oh princess!" Seeing her I stood up and bowed my head.

"Answer me, did you sleep here last night?" She asked me.

"Princess actually I came here to have some fresh air. But I don't know when I fall asleep." I replied looking at her.

"Your hair is beautiful. If you would be a girl, you could be very beautiful." She said. I noticed that my hair was untied. I quickly tied my hair. She laughed a bit at her own words and left the place. I looked around and went back to my room. Prince Frank was sleeping in my bed. Had he been here all night?

I was going to wake him up but suddenly grandma entered my room and became surprise to see him on my bed.

"What is going on here?" She asked surprisingly. I got nervous.

"Grandma, it's not what you are thinking. I can explain." I said nervously. Our conversation wake him up.

"What is going on?" He woke up and asked. He looked around.

"Did I sleep here last night?" He asked surprisingly.

"Grandma actually, Prince Frank came here last night and talked to me for a bit. I came outside for a while, when I came back here I saw him asleep. So I didn't wake him up." I said.

"Then where did you sleep?" She asked.

"In the garden." I replied calmly.

"Anyways, grandma did you have breakfast?" I asked to change the topic.

"No. I will take breakfast with you." She said. I said her to wait for me in her room. She left my room and went back to her room.

"You slept in the garden last night!?" Prince Frank asked. I still couldn't look at him.

"I don't know when I fall asleep there. When I opened my eyes, it was already morning." I said didn't look at him.

"OK. I should go to my room now." He said and left my room closing the door quietly. I looked at the door after his leaving. I sat down on my bed. I don't have time to think about last night. I have to go meet Master Qing today. I went grandma's room with and had breakfast with her. Then I came back to my room and changed my clothes. I came to my horse and prepared it for going to that forest.

"Are you going there?" Suddenly Prince Frank's voice came to me from my behind.

"Yes." I replied and I got on the horse.

"Can I join you too?" He asked.

"Why would you do that?" I asked him instead.

"I have already told you that I want to help you." He said rolling his eyes.

"You have already helped me to find Master Qing. What do you want to do now?" I asked him.

"Want to go with you and train myself. I also want to get revenge." He said an got on his horse.

"If you want to come, what can I say?" I said and we started our journey to the forest. When we entered the forest, some people surrounded us. They were in a black dress and mask. We could see their eyes only. They suddenly attacked us. We even didn't know who they were and why they attacked us. We just took our swords in our hands and fought against them. They were very powerful. They They had no swords. They used martial arts on us. It was very hard to defeat them. I did what I could. But they soon defeat Prince Frank. I tried very hard to defeat them but soon they defeat me. My sword fall down from my hand. They made me kneel down.

"Who are you? What do you want from us?" I asked them. Suddenly a man came to us. He was also covered in black.

"Who are you now?" Prince Frank asked annoyingly. The man took off his mask. It made us shook. I looked at Prince Frank and looked back at me with a shocking face. The man Master Qing.

"Master!" We shook to see him. He gestured to his men to let us go. They left the place. We stood up.

"Master what was that?" I asked. He started to walk and we followed him.

"I have tested you." He said walking.

"And what is the result?" Prince Frank asked him.

"You two failed. I can see that you are too weak. You can't get revenge like this." He said looking at us.

"That's why we are here." I said.

"Master help us. Please train us." I said. He again started to walk and we came to the bamboo bushes.

"Why we are here?" Prince Frank asked curiously.

"I don't like too many questions. You can see when we will start." He said. Then he took a small piece of of wood and give it to Prince Frank.

"Break it." He said him. Prince Frank took the piece of wood and easily broke it. Then Master Qing took a wood bigger than before.

"Now break it." He said and Prince Frank broke it again. Master Qing keeps giving him a piece of wood like this again and again, and each time one is bigger than the previous one.

To be continued....