Chapter 27

"Oh! Grandma you scared us."

"Sorry, but now really I'm going to scare you." She said nervously. She walked near to us and sit down on the bed.

"You are looking so tired, what's wrong?" Prince Frank asked her.

"I met the Queen in the garden. I was talking to her. Suddenly, a soldier came to us and said that he has gotten a news about Princess Florence." She said. We became nervous to hear it. The must followed master Qing and find Princess Florence.

"What do we do now?" Prince Frank asked in fear.

"We are finished." I said.

"You two should go to find her with them. I don't think that Master Qing will tell anything about you." Grandma said looking at us.

"She is right, let's do it then." We went to the King's chamber to know what happened.

"Father, I've heard that the soldiers found something about Florence! Is it true?" Prince Frank asked king George.

"You heard right. Soldiers have found two dead bodies in an eastern jungle. They are saying that the bodies are to Florence's soldiers." King George replied.

"Father it means, Florence is in the eastern forest?" Prince Frank asked.

"We think so. I am sending some soldiers there." King George replied.

"Father, I want to go there with them too." Prince Frank said.

"Why!?" King George asked surprisingly.

"Why! Father, she is my sister. I need to go save her. Please let me go with them too." Prince Frank said.

"OK, as you wish." Maybe King George couldn't caught Frank's acting. We went to the eastern forest with the soldiers. Everyone searched for the princess. But they found nothing.

"Soldiers, follow me." The commander was taking his soldiers to the west of the forest. It was the way to Master Qing's hut.

"I don't think that we can find her here." Prince Frank tried to stop them.

"But prince, King George has ordered us to search everywhere. We find her or not, we will keep searching." The commander said. They continued searching. They went near to the hut. Strange! There's supposed to be a hut here. Where has it gone? The soldiers search every corner of the forest, but they found nothing. We came back to the Palace. King and Queen became upset again. We came back to Prince Frank's room. Grandma was waiting for us there.

"What happened? Did they find anything?" Seeing us, she ran to us. We explained her everything we saw. We were shocked about the hut. Grandma also shocked to hear about this.

"Are you sure? The hut supposed to be there?" She asked surprisingly.

"Of course we are sure. But we didn't find any sign of the hut." We replied.

"Let's not talk about it anymore. Master Qing will come here tomorrow. We will ask him about it." I said. They agreed with me.

The next day, We were waiting for Master Qing Master Qing came. We asked him about the hut.

"I got the news that the soldiers were coming to the forest. So I transferred the hut." He replied.

"How did you transferred your hut?!" Prince Frank asked surprisingly.

"None of your business. You won't understand. I can do many things you don't know about." Master Qing replied calmly.

"Now listen carefully, you don't have much time. I will teach you some psychic power." He said. He taught us some types of meditation and told us to practice it regularly. The time was passing. I became close to the Queen. And the King also didn't find anything about me.

"Tomorrow is Christmas. Our school has a party tomorrow." Prince Frank said.

"You don't attend school regularly. But you will go there tomorrow for the party, right?" I asked him.

"Exactly, how do you know that?" He asked, I rolled my eyes.

The next day, we went to the school at the evening. Everyone wear beautiful dresses. I was missing my past. Wish I could wear the gorgeous dresses again.

"Frank! Where were you?" Princess Victoria ran to him.

"You know me Victoria. I don't like to attend school. And we are going to graduate." Prince Frank replied.

"Frank is right. Our graduation ceremony is on 31st December." Prince Vence said.

"Look Alexandra is coming." Princess Victoria said and everyone went to Princess Alexandra. I was also following Prince Frank. Suddenly someone pushed me and dropped some wine on my dress.

"Hey! Be careful." He said.

"I'm sorry." I said.

"Ani... Um.. Alex, you should go to the washroom." Prince Frank said. I went to the washroom. But I had to go to the boys toilet. I was washing the wine from my shirt.

"Aniya!" Suddenly some called my name. I looked at the man surprisingly. It was Paul, one of my school friends.

"Sorry?" I can't let him realise anything.

"I'm sorry. Actually my friend Princess Aniya was just like you. So, I became shocked to see you suddenly." He said.

"It's okay." I said and left the place immediately. I came back to the hall room. Everyone was having fun there. I was standing in one corner. Suddenly, a girl came near to me. She was about 12 years old.

"Hey, someone said you to go to the garden." The girl said.

"Who had sent you?" I asked her.

"I don't know him. He just called you." She said and left the place. Is it okay to go there I went to the garden, but there was no one. Maybe someone made a silly fun. I was going to leave the place. But suddenly I had some noises from behind the trees. I went near to the trees. Suddenly someone pulled me behind the trees.

"Shh.." It was Paul.

"You again? What do you want now?" I asked him surprisingly.

"Don't try to fool me. I know it's you." He said.

"What are you talking about?" I asked shockingly.

"Aniya, I know you very well. How did think that I can't realize you?" He recognized me.

To be continued.....