Chapter 29

"I'm not asking about you silly. I'm asking that I am looking great with you or not." He said.

"Why are you asking me? See by yourself." I said. He came closer and grabbed my waist from behind and touched my neck with his nose. Then he took me in his arms and lay me down on the bed.

In the morning, I found myself in his bed. No, we didn't do anything. We just slept together. Nothing more.

"Frank, hey Frank. Wake up." He opened his and wake up.

"Uh? Aniya? Why are you here in this dress?" He asked.

"Maybe you drank too much wine last night. Did you forget everything?" I asked him.

"Oh sorry, my bad." He said.

"Anyways, now get up quickly." I said and get up from the bed. I went to the bathroom and changed my dress. Then I went out of the bathroom.

"Huh! Why did you changed the dress? You were looking beautiful." He said.

"Don't be silly." I said and went back to my room very carefully. I entered my room and placed the dress in my cupboard. Then I got back to my work again.

When Master Qing came, he taught us some more techniques of fighting. At the afternoon, we went to Paul's Palace. He took us to his room. Josh and Jessica were also there.

"Aniya!" They really shocked to see me. Jessica ran to me and hugged me tightly.

"Oh, Aniya I thought that I have lost you." She said and started to cry.

"Oh Paul, why did you tell them? You could do that after discussing." I said to Paul.

"Sorry but I couldn't stop myself." He said. Jessica moved away from me.

"Silly, you wanted to hide yourself from us?" Josh asked angrily.

"Aren't we friends? You should tell us." He said angrily.

"I couldn't do it. The King was suspecting me. So his men always followed me." I said sadly.

"Followed you? Why didn't you tell it before? If they still follow?" Paul said in fear.

"No, Master Qing told me that they didn't find out anything about me. So they don't follow me anymore." I said to him.

"And how does he know that?" Paul asked shockingly.

"Because his man followed the man who followed me." I replied.

"Wow! What a clever man!" Everyone become surprised to hear about that.

"Uhm... Can I join you guys too?" Suddenly Prince Frank spoke up. He had been listening to us all this time. Maybe he got annoyed on us.

"Oh Frank, I'm sorry. I really forgot about you." I said to him. He just rolled his eyes.

"Guys, he is Frank. I think you all know him." I said to my friends.

"Yes, we know him. He is the Prince of Island now." They had some conversations between them and tried to know each other. Then we started to discuss about the plan.

"But why can't we ask our parents for help? They are not our enemies." Jessica asked. She trust her parents and love them so much. She never does anything without her parent's permission. But Josh is totally the opposite.

"Because they can tell it to King George. And then Aniya will be in danger." Paul replied.

"He is right Jessi. We can't tell them for Aniya. Try to understand silly." Josh tried to explain to her.

"OK, I understood. But I don't think that our parents would help that evil King. He is so rude to everyone. Even mom and dad don't like him. You all know that they were close friends to Aniya's dad." She said. Her words had point.

"She is right. But still, we have to be careful." Prince Frank said.

"We can't let anyone know about this." He said and everyone was agreed with him.

"But we need more soldiers to defeat King George. I don't think that Master Qing's men are enough." I said thinking.

"But they are strong enough. Master Qing alone is one hundred." Prince Frank said.

"But there is still a fear." Paul said. We all went silent and started to think of a new plan.

"We have no other choice. Let's explain everything to our parents. They must help us." Jessica said.

"Jessica!" Josh and Paul got annoyed on her.

"Aniya, we should go now. Or King George will doubt us." Prince Frank said.

"Ok." I said and stood up.

"See you guys." I said and left the Palace. We went back to our Palace. But everyone looked very busy.

"Maybe something is going wrong." Prince Frank said. A soldier was running in front of us.

"Hey you, come here." The soldier went near to us.

"Yes Prince."

"What is wrong with everyone?" Prince Frank asked the soldier.

"Someone has stolen Queen's jewellery. Everyone is searching for it." He said.

"OK you can go now." The soldier left the place. We went back to Prince Frank's room. Meanwhile a soldier knocked the door.

"Come in." The soldier entered the room.

"Prince, King George has called Alex in his chamber.

"OK you can go. We are coming." Prince Frank said to him.

"Sorry Prince, King has called Alex alone. He told me to take him there with me." The soldier said. The King wants to talk to me alone? But why?

"OK I'm coming." I said and went out of the room with the soldier. I was very nervous. My heart was beating loudly. We came near his chamber. I was trembling with fear. The soldier knocked the door.

"Come in." The soldier opened the door and we entered the chamber. I was really nervous and scared.

"You go now." King George said and the soldier went out of the chamber.

"King, you called me?" I asked him. He was sitting in his desk. His assistant Alan was standing beside him.

"Yes, have you heard about the stealing of the Queen's jewellery?" He asked me.

"Yes, I have heard about it. You still couldn't find it?" I asked him.

"Yes, a maid had stolen the jewellery." He said.

"Oh, then why did you call me?" I asked him. He stood up and walked to me.

"But when Alan was searching your room for the jewellery, he found this dress." He said and Alan showed me the dress. It was the dress that Prince Frank gave me.

"I can see that it is a female dress. What was it doing in your room?" He asked me. I was trembling in fear.

"It is not mine. It was my mother's." I said.

"This looks very gorgeous. How could your mother own it?" He asked. I got nervous.

"My mother was a servant of the previous Queen. My mother was very obedient to her. So she gave her the dress as a gift." I said. I hope he will believe it.

"OK you can go now." He said. Maybe he believed my story.

"Can I get back my mother's dress?" I asked before leaving.

"OK." I went out of chamber with the dress and relieved.

To be continued...