Chapter 31

I went back to Prince Frank's room and tell him everything.

"I don't think that he believed you. Aniya, we have to be alert." He said. I got worried again. I hardly gained his trust. Now I have lost it again. I went to the bed and sat down on it.

"It's not time to relax." Suddenly a voice came from the balcony. We looked at the balcony and master Qing was there.

"Master! What are you doing at this time?" We went near to him and asked the reason.

"Florence has escaped from me." He said looking sadly at us.

"She will come here for sure. You two should escape the Palace quickly." He said.

"How?!" We shocked at his words. We are finished now.

"Let's ran away Aniya." Prince Frank said in fear. I was still thinking about any plan. If I could do something.

"Wait, we still have something to do." I said looking at them. They looked back at me surprisingly.

"What can we do?" Prince Frank asked.

"Master taught us the disguise technique. Master I have a plan." I said.

"What plan?" Master Qing asked me.

"You take my disguise. I mean Alex's disguise." I said. They looked at me shockingly at me and smiled. Maybe they understood my plan. I explained everything to them and they did as I said. Master Qing took my disguise and I hide in the balcony.

After a few minutes, Alan entered the room and told that King George has called us in his chamber. It was going as we thought. He did not caught Master Qing's disguise. They went out of the room and closed the door. I came out of the balcony. Then I went to grandma and took her out of the Palace in secret. I gave her a later and a horse and told her to go to Paul. She got on the horse and made her way to Paul's Palace. Then I went back to the Palace taking the disguise of a soldier. There was a tree in front of King George's balcony. I jumped on the tree and secretly went to his balcony. I tried to hear their conversation. Master was right. Florence came here and told her father everything.

"So, do you have anything to tell?" King George asked them. They looked nervously at him. They became speechless to see Florence.

"How can it be possible?" Frank whispered to himself.

"I know everything now. You two can't survive now." King George said. But he didn't know that we have made a plan.

"Florence my dear!" Suddenly, Queen Nastasia ran to the chamber and hugged her daughter.

"So you two were culprits?" She said.

"George, what about that old lady?" She asked.

"Oh shit! I totally forgot about her. Alan bring that old lady quickly." King George said. Alan quickly went out of the chamber.

After a few minutes, he came back running.

"King, I didn't find that old lady anywhere. She escaped from the Palace." He said nervously. King George became furious.

"I want that old lady at any cost. Find her. Maybe she doesn't go too far. She is too old." King George growled at Alan. Alan leave the chamber again to find grandma. I hope that he will not be able to find her.

"Guards, take them to the jail. I will kill them after finding that old lady." King said and two guards took Frank and Master Qing to the jail. They thought that they caught me

But they didn't know that it was Master Qing in disguise.

"Come dear, let's go to your room and have a rest." Queen Nastasia left the chamber with her daughter. I jumped from the balcony slowly. Then I got on a tall tree. After a few moments, I could see a army. Oh great! Grandma did it. It must be Paul's soldier. I think he asked his parents for help. I went to King George's balcony again.

"King, a big army is coming to attack us." Alan ran to King George.

"What? Who are they?" He asked Alan.

"They are the army of Somenia." Somenia is the kingdom of Josh and Jessica. But I thought that the army was from Paul's kingdom. Anyways I quickly took Florence's disguise. There was only Alan and King George in the chamber. I quickly jumped from the balcony and went to the corridor. I ran to King George's chamber.

"Father, there is a big army in front of Palace." I said in a trembling voice.

"Don't be scared dear. Come here." He said. Now it is chance. I went close to him and hugged him. I had a poisonous knife. I hit him with that knife.

"Uh!" I hit him twice.

"Who... Are you?" He asked in a trembling voice. I took off my disguise.

"You? Alan why are standing? Attack her." He ordered to Alan. But Alan just smiled. He took off his disguise. It was Master Qing. When the guards were taking him to the jail, he killed them and escaped from there. Then he killed Alan and took his disguise.

"it can't be possible." King George said confusingly. Blood begins to fall from his mouth. He fall down on the ground immediately.

"You better die, Commander George." I said in a deep voice. He closed his eyes and died. His army is nothing without him and Alan. They were defeated by the Army of Somenia. The sun rises. The soldiers of Somenia captured Princess Florence and Queen Nastasia.

"Let them go." I said to the soldiers.

"But Aniya, they are...."

"I said let them go. Commander George killed my father and I killed him. Now I have nothing to do with them. They can't hurt me. Get them out of the kingdom." I said. Soldiers took them out of the room.

"Thanks Paul. Thanks to everyone." I thanked my friends, Master Qing and Grandma.

"I told you that our parents will help you. When Paul told us that King George had known everything, I quickly went to my parents and asked them for help. And look they helped you." Jessica said. I hugged her.

"Thanks Jess."

"You forgot about me." Frank said.

"Oh, sorry. What will you do now?" I asked him.

"Hm... Maybe I can be your assistant now, Queen Aniya." He said. Maybe that's a happy ending.

The End