A Birthday Ball(1)

After Anne left, Asher finally gained his composure and apologised for not making it clear to Anne about the rumour. But the duke shook it off as a simple thing because he knew Anne was taking advantage of the situation.

He knew she prefered Asher for whatever the reason and she would be more than happy if this rumour came true.

"Is the duke going to do something about the rumours?"

Asher asked.

"The rumour doesn't really have much to take care of. But we need to find out who started this because we want to know what made him start such a rumour. Did he see something?"

Asher also thought about this before because or else why would suddenly such a rumour go around out of blue?

Even though he tried to overhear servants gossiping, there was no clue about the one who started this because the rumour had gone around a lot by now.

"Is the duke bothered by this rumour? Is there no way to stop this now?"