"Thank you for the meal."
After the nice meal, everyone felt refreshed and sat on the couch to pass some time.
But soon, Anne fell asleep and so did the baby who got fed.
However, little did they know a big storm was ready to hit them at night.
The baby...
She kept waking up!
No matter how silent, how comfortable they tried to make it for her, she kept waking up.
Other than Anne who was sound asleep amidst the chaos, everyone else were dumbfounded as they took turns to put the baby to sleep.
Lucas knew this was normal for a newborn.
This is the tough part of parenting.
They wouldn't easily get sleep.
Isn't that why they were gathered there though?
But given the day, Karl who worked hard for the dinner and was waiting for his reward, wasn't very happy.
But...he remembered.
He was there to babysit.
"Asher, you have to rest. Felix and we will take care of the baby."