
"Do you know where she has gone," Eric behind Alex asked the gardener calmly when he saw that Alex was no longer able to think clearly?

"ERM, I also don't know where she went, I only knew that yesterday, she packed all her luggage and moved out with a woman, who seems it was her mother" he replied.

"Thanks very much for the help," Eric said politely to the gardener.

Alex had sunk into a deep abyss of no return, the instant he heard what the gardener said, Rachael had moved out with her mother, but to where? what had happened for her to move out without saying a word to him? he asked himself.

She had never said a word about it to Alex, even though she thought she would be able to stay in Cambridge for over two years, but who would have thought that her mother would suddenly come and ask them to move out, this time her mother was in such a hurry, she did not have any time for an explanation nor allowing her to bid farewell to her friends. She quickly composed a letter, and left it for the gardener asking him to give it to Alex, she knew that he would come looking for her after he had discovered her absence, she could only hope that fate would bring them together again.

She also hoped that when fate brought them back together again Alex wouldn't have fallen for another girl, judging from his experience with girls and character, it was extremely hard for him to fall for another girl.

Eric, Elizabeth, and Alex walked back to the car as Eric took over the wheels as he was the one with the rational thinking among the trio, presently Alex couldn't think straight, if he was allowed to drive, no doubt an accident would occur, so Eric decided to drive, Elizabeth didn't know how to drive, so naturally, she did not take over.

In the car, Alex glanced at the letter in his hands as his heart ached, finally he put the letter into his pocket as a sighed sadly.

Back at school Alex looked gloomy, as he interacted with everyone, those that interacted with him knew something was wrong but they could not ask, that would be intruding on his privacy, judging from Alex's character, he wouldn't tell them anything even if they asked him, he would be silent about it.

As they were going back home Alex's aunt could not help but ask, "why is Alex not driving" when she saw Eric taking over the wheels.

Alex did not answer her question as his face turned gloomy, Elizabeth by the side frowned, "Rachel had much impact on Alex, she wondered if Alex would have been more heartbroken if he had confessed that he loved her, he would absolutely be devastated, luckily he had not told her yet", she thought, she couldn't imagine how much pain Alex would be in if he had told her, it would be more severe than that of his first love betraying him, after all, his effort to take Rachel out of his heart was useless, as he had fallen for her, now after confessing to her that he loved her, she had left him, disappearing into, without saying anything to him about it, how bad would that be, she couldn't imagine what would have happened if such scenario were to occur.

Naturally, Alex didn't think the way she was thinking, he was very hurt, he believed that there was a reason behind her sudden departure, he bet that even her did not know anything about it until her mother came to pick her up, she might even be unwilling to go, it had never occurred to her that she would be leaving so soon, that was why she had left a letter for him, expressing her unhappiness over her sudden departure, although he hadn't read the letter yet, he hoped it was so, he consoled himself staring into the space ahead of him blankly.

"He is depressed because Rachel has moved out, she didn't tell any of us, we also discovered this morning when we noticed she was missing from the school," Elizabeth replied on Alex's behalf when she saw that he was quiet.

Alex's aunt nodded in understanding, she kept quiet knowing that Alex wasn't in his right frame of mind. Alex's friends also had gloomy faces, they were sad, not only about Rachel's departure but the fact that Alex would be leaving them soon. Alex had already planned to enter an institution that deals with one of the major forces in the country, it was a secret institution, where they would learn how to utilize a different kind of weapon and also self-defense, it was a kind of a secret agent institution, where young agents are trained for four years before entering into the secret organization, the requirements to enter this Institution was very harsh, but Alex had already decided to enroll in this particular institution, naturally, his aunt won't oppose his decision, she had only supported him, he was supposed to leave the day after, but how could he leave in this frame of mind.

Bidding farewell to his friends, Alex, and his aunt made their way into the house, immediately after he finished his meal, he went straight to his room, when his aunt saw him going inside gloomy, she sighed sadly, during their meal he didn't even say a sentence, she did not know how to console him, so she just kept her silence.

Alex had tried to call Rachel's number many times today but it was either unavailable or switched off, he didn't know why her phone would be switched off, he could only hope that all is well with her.

Unknown to Alex, Rachel's SIM card and the phone had been destroyed by her mother, her mother had given her a pair of new ones, this was the tradition her mother does, anytime they wanted to move from one place to another, but before her mother would allow her to copy few numbers of her friends, this time around she did not give her the slightest chance to copy any numbers from her phone.

Far away from Cambridge, a car was driving along the road, in the car was Rachael sitting gloomy, "mum why are we in such a rush" she asked her mother who was driving the car.

"Dear something came up and we can't stay any longer that's why we are leaving, I'm sorry for not allowing you to copy any of your friend's numbers, I will explain the reason behind this to you when the time is right," her mother said.

Rachel nodded in understanding, she looked into the horizon, wondering how Alex was faring, she hoped that he wasn't disappointed by her sudden disappearance.

Sitting on the edge of his bed he brought out the letter that the gardener had given him, slowly he opened the letter with shaky hands as a read.

"Dear Alex, the gardener would have already given you this letter, by the time you would be reading this letter, I would have already been far away from Cambridge, I'm sorry for not informing you about my departure, I also didn't know about it, my mother suddenly came back and asked me to pack up as we were going to depart that very day, she didn't even allow me to come bid you guys farewell, she said she was in a hurry".

All the moments I have spent with you Alex, will forever be the best of my memories, I hope you also won't forget about me, I have never regretted being with you, the first time I met you was the time I fell for you, I knew you were always cold and indifferent towards me, but I have never felt a pang of hatred towards you for your coldness and indifferent attitude towards me, but rather my love for you increases anytime you were cold and indifferent to me, it seems like I prefer that side of you, being cold and indifferent.

"I know you are disappointed in me for leaving you without saying a word, I hope fate would bring us together again, then I would say all that have wanted to say to you, make sure you, don't revert to your old self because of this, I'm sure fate would allow us to meet again in the future. Because it was the same fate that made us meet, I'm sure that the same fate would also lead us to each other again in the future, I hope to meet you well when fate finally leads us together. Your friend Rachel".

Alex concluded the letter with a bitter smile on his face, he finally laid down on his bed, and tears flowed down his face, earlier in the morning he had been resisting all the tears that had wanted to come out of his eyes, but now he couldn't resist it any longer, laying down on his bed and staring at the ceiling, nobody knew what he was thinking, his black eyes had no nipples in them, only that tears flowed down his face, was he regretting meeting Rachel, or was he not? nobody knew what he was thinking, as he was just gazing at the ceiling as tears flowed down his face peacefully, he wondered maybe he had been wrong about girls he should have given them another chance but he had concluded that they were all the same one of them is different. Rachel finally proved to him that all girls were not the same, despite all his indifference and coldness towards them, she had to remain unwavered as she stubbornly continued to follow him, even giving him hints that she loved him, but what did he do in the end, he had ignored her, did he regret it now or he did not? he did not know.

Turning around and thinking about what had happened these days, he realized that the love he had for this girl was exceptional, he did not know how to describe his feelings for her.

Finally, he turned around and he closed his eyes, all this while, tears did not stop flowing down his face, they had been flowing down incessantly all this while, he did not know for how long he had been crying, but this her departure had already left him somewhat helpless, it had somehow created a hole in his heart, he did not know what to do next, finally fell asleep under the pressure.