
Natural Predator

[You have killed Slime Lv 1] x 6

[You have gained 30 Experience Points]

After killing a few Lv 1 Slimes, Jack was finally getting used to killing them. Unfortunately for him, his weapon broke. Furthermore, if he wanted to kill those Lv 2 and Lv 3 Slimes, he would definitely need a better weapon. After pondering for a while, Jack walked up to a nearby tree which was incredibly thin, just barely an inch in thickness. It was also rather short, about 1.5 times Jack's height, signifying it was not very old. However, this was exactly what Jack wanted.

Using his strength, Jack broke the tree, separating it from its base, before also breaking off the top of the tree where all the branches were located.

[You have equipped Common grade PC staff]

[Effect: +1.5 attack]

[Durability: 15/15]

However, this was not the end of it. Jack proceeded to find a palm tree and used its leaves to form strands of strong rope before searching for two specific types of stones. After a while, he found them, flintstones. By hitting them against other rocks one at a time, Jack slowly formed a point on them. Along the process, he did happen to encounter a few slimes, and he had to just retreat immediately since he did not have any weapon which could actually injure them. The staff he had made, despite having a jagged edge, was not nearly sharp enough or carrying enough momentum to reach the cores inside the slime.

Soon, he had two stones, and he bagan to attach one of them to the staff he had made.

[You have conducted a basic technical task]

[+5 Experience to Subclass Engineer]

[You have equipped Common grade PC Stone Spear]

[Effect: +2 attack, Bleed damage]

[Durability: 20/20]

[Bleed Damage: Causes the target to lose 1% of their total health every 10 seconds until the wound it healed]

Unfortunately, the bleed damage would not work when it came to slimes, and so this additional effect would go to waste. However, this did not dishearten Jack as he got back to making the second Stone spear, and after about 15 minutes, he was done with two stone spears. He also made sure to bring along with him a few extra ropes; which were essentially just thin strips of palm leaves, since his new weapons would likely dismantle mid-battle as the sharp edge of the stone would cause the rope to be cut, or otherwise just dislodge itself from the staff. This was also the reason he created two spears.

Walking along the forest with. Spear in each hand, Jack went back to hunting as he racked up experience points.

[You have killed Slime Lv 1] x 8

[You have gained 40 Experience Points]

This time however, he finally encountered a Lv 2 Slime. Compared to the Lv 1 Slime, this new slime was faster, stronger, and just better in a general sense with higher stats.

Thanks to not having much of a difference from the Lv 1 Slime, Jack successfully killed the Lv 2 Slime, with a single thrust of his spear.

[You have killed Slime Lv 2]

[You have gained 10 Experience Points]

[You have levelled up]

[You have gained 5 Unassigned Stat Points]

Jack did not assign his stat points and instead went around killing more slimes.

[You have killed Slime Lv 1] x 4

[You have gained 20 Experience Points]

As he moved closer to the centre of the jungle, the frequency of Lv 2 Slimes increased greatly, and Jack came across another one. Thankfully, he was able to take care of the creature with just a single thrust once more.

[You have killed Slime Lv 2]

[You have gained 10 Experience Points]

Based on his predictions, this Stone Spear would allow him to kill a Lv 3 Slime, and possibly fend off attacks from a Lv 4 Slime.

Although he could assign all his stat points into strength and crush the entire forest with their stats, his character later game would be incredibly weak. The reason was simple, he would have wasted 5 stat points in increasing strength, which was not the focus of his 'mage' build, putting him at a disadvantage compared to the other mages, as well as those of other classes. On the other hand, if he put the same stat points into intelligence or mana which was the requirement of his 'mage' build, he would not become any stronger, as he currently had not learned even a single spell. For that, he would have to go to a town or city and buy them or kill a monster which dropped spells.

Therefore, he simply held onto the stat points in case he needed them to not die, and in case he survived without using them, he would directly add them into Intelligence and Mana.

As time passed, he killed a large number of Lv 1 and Lv 2 Slime, until he finally encountered the Lv 3 slime.

Unfortunately, it was chilling with the Field Boss, the Lv 5 Slime King. Therefore, Jack quietly tiptoed his way out of the area. After all, he did not need to kill the field boss to get the passive skill. Of course, if he could kill the field boss, he would definitely get the passive skill with just a single kill. Unfortunately, it was impossible for him to beat the field boss with his current strength, no matter what tricks he played.

Instead, Jack just went back to grinding Lv 1 and Lv 2 Slimes, with the occasional Lv 3 Slime.

[You have killed Slime Lv 1] x 3

[You have gained 15 Experience Points]

[You have killed Slime Lv 2]

[You have gained 10 Experience Points]

[You have killed Slime Lv 1]

[You have gained 5 Experience Points]

[You have killed Slime Lv 2]

[You have gained 10 Experience Points]

[You have killed Slime Lv 1] x 3

[You have gained 15 Experience Points]

[You have killed Slime Lv 2]

[You have gained 10 Experience Points]

[You have killed Slime Lv 3]

[You have gained 15 Experience Points]

[You have killed Slime Lv 1] x 2

[You have gained 10 Experience Points]

[You have levelled up]

[You have gained 5 Unassigned Stat Points]

[You have killed Slime Lv 1]

[You have gained 5 Experience Points]

[You have killed Slime Lv 2]

[You have gained 10 Experience Points]

[You have killed Slime Lv 1] x 2

[You have gained 10 Experience Points]

[You have killed Slime Lv 2]

[You have gained 10 Experience Points]

[You have killed Slime Lv 1] x 3

[You have gained 15 Experience Points]

And with the last slime killed, Jack reached a cumulative figure of 50 Slimes killed, with the lv 2 slimes counting as 2 slimes, and the Lv 3 counting as 3.

[You have gained 50 x Slime essence]

[You have gained the Passive Skill (Common): Natural Predator]

[Passive Skill (Common): Natural Predator: This skill increases the damage you do by 1% for every level you are; starting from Lv 1]

[You are the first to gain a passive skill]

[+5 Prestige]

[You have gained the authority to leave the 'Newbie Forest' area. Do you wish to be teleported to the nearest city?]

'Haha…' Jack thought to himself as he finally completed his goal, before selecting the option.


[You will now be teleported to the city of 'Raven' within the Northern end of the Leon kingdom.]

Normally, once a player died in the newbie surprise, they would not only be randomly teleported to the wilderness within their respective kingdoms but would also receive the death penalty of having lost a level. Since almost everyone who died would be at level 0, after death, they would be at level -1, meaning they would need an additional 100 experience points before they could begin climbing up the levels. In this case, he would already have a considerable advantage over the others, especially considering he did not waste his stat points.

Being level 2, he already had 10 unassigned stat points, and he decided that it was now time to assign them.

Without thinking too much into it, Jack assigned 5 points into Mana and 5 points into Intelligence.

With all the new changes, his status looked something like this.



Name: Erebus

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Guild: None

Level: 2

Experience Points: 50/100

Class: Mage

Subclass: Engineer (11/500)

Condition: Normal

Location: Raven, Leon Kingdom

Prestige: 6



Vitality: 1

Strength: 2

Dexterity: 1

Intelligence: 9

Awareness: 2

Charisma: 2

Resilience: 1

Mana: 7

Unassigned Stats: 0


Dependent Stats

Health: 10

Attack: 14.24

Defence (%): 1

M. Attack: 32.64

M. Defence: 16

Agility: 2

Luck: 2.1

Hit Rate (%): 10

Evasion Rate(%): 10

Critical Hit Rate (%): 0

Critical Hit Damage(%): 110

Magic Resistance (%): 20

Magic Reflect (%): 20

Health Regen (%/s): 1

Mana Regen (%/s): 1

EXP Rate (%): 100



Common Grade PC Stone Spear x2


Passive Skills

Natural Predator (Common): This skill increases the damage you do by 1% for every level you are; starting from Lv 1

Active Skills


Notice: None
