

The hover-truck took Ava and Max to a private space-port, which took them on a small private space-ship, which took them into space, and into the nearest jump-point, and then another limp point, and another. This feeling Jack was already used to, however, that was the Jack of the future. His current body was very much not, and it caused him to faint.

When he woke up, he found himself in another hover truck, moving along a long and broad right in a straight line. On either side were rows and rows of neatly planted trees which have clearly been imported from outside the human territory, since Jack had never come across this species of trees ever. Groaning as the headache from the countless jumps through space itself, Jack slowly sat back up on his feet and noticed that there was a man in a black suit next to him, and another driving the hover-truck, however, they were both different from the two who had picked Jack and Ava up. In the passenger seat, however, was Ava, who had just turned around curiously to see Jack fumbling to get up.

"Don't worry. The first time is the worst. You'll get used to it."

Jack was having this increasingly horrendous feeling about who Ava's father truly was, and the world part was that as time progressed and he saw more things around him, his guess was slowly beginning to narrow down to just a few people, and finally, when he put Ava's platinum colour hair into the mix, he figured out who Ava's father was, and the outcome of his deduction frightened him to the core. He was not ready to meet someone of this status just yet.

"A- Ava… if your father… by any chance… The current commander in chief of the United Human Federation?" Jack asked in a wavering tone.

"Huh? How did you know?" Ava asked as his cheeky smile vanished, replaced by one of confusion and suspicion.

"Well… Considering how we were brought here, anyhow you are much too familiar with it, you should be doing this regularly. Maybe not every day, but at least a few times a month. Likely, you have a 'spare' home or something on my planet…"


"Sigh… Anyway, based on all the shit I have seen thus far, it is likely that your father is someone from the united Human Council, and considering your platinum-coloured hair… it can only be him." Jack said while sighing not in relief, but in resignation as his guess turned out to be spot on, and he did not like it one bit.

"Is it alright if we drop you home, and then these two can take me back home? My parents miss me, and I don't think you even need to go to the Academy." Jack made an attempt, but nothing further. He knew it was hopeless the moment he stepped into the black hover truck.

"Wel-" before Ava could complete her first word, the person sitting next to me spoke.

"We are sorry. Such a decision will have to be taken by the lord himself."

"Ha~" Jack resigned himself to his current situation, hoping he would just be an insignificant ant to Ava's father.

'Why does it feel like I am meeting Ava's father to ask for his daughter's hand in marriage…?' Jack thought to himself as he zoned out in his thoughts.

"Jack?" Ava's voice brought him back to reality as he stepped out of the car behind her, wearing his school uniform. Ava too was wearing her school uniform.

In front of them, was a castle-like creation, which Jack could only call a fortress. There were countless decorations like balconies and roofs, however, if you were to remove all of them, you would see a structure which was built to specific dimensions. It was built as though it was meant to survive a nuclear fusion bomb, by deflecting light, heat, and particles all around it instead of directly onto it.

Countless armed guards were patrolling the entire building, and even more, were patrolling the enormous garden and lawn in front and behind the fortress.

Walking in behind Ava, Jack was greeted by rows of servants bowing their heads to Ava, seemingly out of a fantasy novel.

'But… why is she living in the area controlled by the Frost Group?' Jack thought to himself.

Soon, the pair reached a gigantic double-door, and Ava simply went ahead and knocked on the wooden relics, the very action of hers seemed to tarnish this ancient colossus which appeared to originate from a time before the United Human Federation.

{Author's notes: In case people are confused. The United Human Council was formed, and renamed all the space it controlled as the United Human Federation}

"Come in" A deep and authoritarian voice stated.

"Okii" Ava pushed open the door with a light touch; clearly, there was some hidden mechanism working to open the doors, and skipped into the room. Jack, on the other hand, was standing outside stiffly.

"What are you doing standing outside? Come in quickly. I am not one with infinite patience."

"Ah" Nodding rapidly, Jack rushed in with hurried footsteps. He just wanted this 'experience' to get over quickly so he could return to his normal life. Perhaps, he should not go to the Vr academy, since it would be under the supervision of this man. Perhaps, he should even remove his registration for the 200 daily credits as salary…

"So, you are the one who was swaying my little Ava into leaving?" Asked the deep voice in a piercing tone. Jack had never experienced such a feeling even when he was facing down with killers in real life, as well as those as*holes from the Frost Group. It was a suffocating feeling which made it hard for Jack to breathe.

Jack did not have the guts to say anything, as he stood still, completely unmoving, not even breathing. He just stood there, looking over at the man with a physique that would put Gods to shame, and short platinum hair from his head slowly moving down and forming a neatly trimmed platinum-coloured beard.

"Dad! He will faint at this rate!" Ava's voice came to the rescue as the overbearing pressure suddenly vanished, and Jack's slowed thoughts began to race once more.

'WTF! WTF! How is this even possible? How did he nearly kill me through suffocation just by looking at me?'

"Is he even human?"

'Shit!' One of Jack's thoughts was mumbled out loud as he quickly covered his mouth and looked around to see if anyone heard him. Thankfully, based on Ava's reaction, who was the closest to him, nobody should have heard him.

The platinum hair man, who was standing just 10 meters from Jack and Ava, facing them, had a sudden change in expression. His lips quivered slightly as he was clearly the only one who heard what Jack said. Of course, he knew that the little kid in front of him was just in disbelief at the pressure he could release, which seemed like something out of a novel or comic book.

"Alright. You two can go to the VR Academy together with that Max fellow. But make sure to stay away from the wrong influence. Ava, you go ahead and get prepared. I need to ask a few questions to Jack here."

"Sure" Ava smiled as she left the room, without any care about Jack. Jack looked at Ava's back as if he had been betrayed by her, left in the hands of the enemy to be tortured and then killed. Ava's Father also saw this expression and a silly smirk appeared on his lips.

'Did he truly look like some sort of evil villain?'

"Alright, I will get straight to the point. What are your intentions for my daughter?" Ava's father did not need to ask the important questions; like was he a spy from another race, from another member of the council, or any spy in general, since his men had not only deeply investigated Jack and Max's families, but had also been keeping an incredibly close eye on them from the moment they came into contact with Ava.