
Escape and VR Academy

Meanwhile, Jack immediately bought two 2 million credits VR capsules, and set the delivery location as the VR academy, under the names of Ava and Max, and with his DNA signature, of course, to prevent issues.

"Alright, Father, Mother, Freya, please listen to me. I need you guys to quickly pack up everything of value to you, and leave all unnecessary things like normal clothes. Just pack a spare set of clothes and anything of value to you. We need to leave this house right now."

Originally, Jack wanted to pay the guy off and let everything be settled, however, when he saw that Jack transferred all the remaining money over to James as soon as he saw the amount, an ominous glint flashed past the guy's eyes, and Jack had a feeling about exactly what was about to happen in the next hour or two.

Jack whispered to his father, "Our lives are in danger because of that Perry. Just pack up, we need to leave this place in the next 10 minutes or less if possible."

After that, his father nodded silently and got his mother to pack her things. Freya also got to packing, while Jack did a few more things. He transferred the remaining funds to his Shadow Inc. account, and then booked a transport for his family to the location of the 3-bedroom apartment he just rented, the total of everything was set at 2,000 credits. Although he had money, he still did not waste away his money to book a luxurious hover-limo, and just booked the most basic hover-sedan and the most basic house where they could live temporarily.

After that, he picked up Freya's luggage, which was just a small bag with her toys and some chocolates. A silly smile appeared briefly on his face as he put the luggage into the trunk of the hover-sedan and then got his parents and Freya to sit inside. However, he did not leave with them.

"Jack." His father sternly stated as he pulled Jack along with him.

"Father. There is something I must do before I catch up with your guys. Listen to me. Go to the address I have given the forever, and get off. The house there will be our house for the time being. I have messaged you the exact address in case. Look, I have already ordered another transport for me." Jack whispered as he showed the icon showing that another transport was booked and on the way.

"Idiot. You can convince me to do a lot, but let my son stay in a dangerous situation is not something any father will do." James said as he pulled on Jack's ear and threw him into the car, leaving Jack unable to do anything but sit together with his family, with a burning red ear and teary eyes.

'Father is surprisingly strong' Jack thought in his heart as he quietly paid the second transport guy for his troubles and told him he did not need the transport anymore.

About 20 minutes after Jack and his family left, a hover truck stopped right outside their home. Around 4 dudes in regular clothes got out, however, each of them had a mask on, and the details of the hover-truck had also been scratched out.

It was currently broad daylight, and so wearing black clothes was rather odd, so these goons had worn regular clothes to try and blend in a little at least.

However, after ringing the bell a few times, they simply placed a device on the gate, and instantly disabled it, before just walking in like they owned the place. Unfortunately for them, all the valuables, as well as the main prize; Jack, were long gone.

"Shit" the leader of the group cursed as he ordered everyone to retreat to the hover-truck

They were not a part of the Frost Group, just had connections within, which allowed them access to certain technologies like the gate security-system overrider, and this hover-truck without any tracking features from the government. However, before they could even leave the premises, there were already 6 police officers, pointing their laser weapons at the 4 burglars.

A few minutes ago…

Jack, who was chilling in his new home, smiled as he put down the phone. He had just called the police station anonymously stating that he was watching his neighbour's house getting robbed by a group of 4 burly-looking men in masks and a hover-truck whose noticeable details like number-plate had been scratched off.

Jack was not in a rush to enter the game today, since it was already stated that today would be the day that maintenance would be conducted, and a new update would be installed in the game. In his previous life, this had happened a day later, but then again, it could have been his memory which was playing games with him, since he had not exactly paid too much attention to the game this early on.

Just before he went to school today, the message was sent to all currently playing players almost telepathically, unlike the announcement when 'they' first arrived at the universe where Jack resided.

Therefore today Jack was taking a rare day off from gaming, and after getting his mother and Freya to calm down, as well as escaping his father's berating questions, Jack went to his room and lay on his bed with his phone in his hands. Now that he had taken care of the immediate situation, Jack had to think of what to do with his current funds, which amounted to almost 6 million credits. Kenny had given him 1 million credits to buy VR capsules, but it was clearly not enough. Perhaps he was just out of touch with the latest prices, after all, Kenny never once actually bought or used a VR capsule.

But after subtracting the 4 million credits from the initial 11 million, as well as the 1.2 million for the loan, Jack had almost 6 million credits. Now, although this was by no means a small amount, especially for Jack and his family, it was not nearly enough to actually do anything to the Frost Group.

Jack was now faced with 3 options. He could either hold onto the money and throw it all into the game as soon as the auction and currency exchange opened after the update, hoping to earn enough money in the game to destroy all attempts of the Frost Group to even enter the Virtual battlefield.

Secondly, he could just invest all the money into something that in a few years would grow exponentially and earn him a lot more money. However, with this option, he would still not gain enough money to be able to battle it out with the Frost Group. Thirdly, he could spend the money on security for his family, training his own body to be stronger, faster, and better in every way, as well as perhaps training his own elite soldiers for the future.

Although this third option was a pit of money, which would only continue to absorb more and more money from him with time, it would also allow Jack to begin planning his revenge not just in the game, but in real life as well.

With time to think, Jack fell asleep after making his final decision.

[United Human Calendar Year 4702, 8th of December]

Today was the day Jack would be attending the VR academy with Ava and Max. However, before he could do that, he needed to handle the situation with his family first.

Without thinking too much into it, Jack transferred 100,000 credits to his father's account, as well as bought a house on a planet in a completely different Star system, outside the purview of the Frost Group, and closer to the Area managed by the Glory Foundation. In his previous life, they were one of the few people with a member in the council, who were actually inclined towards justice; well, at least more inclined compared to the other. At least, they would not randomly start killing people who they did not like.

After booking a transport and buying the house, Jack transferred all the tickets and other details to his father and bid them farewell in a rush. Everything was still little too much for his mother to understand, and he left before she finally wrapped her head around the situation.

Meeting at their usual spot under the bridge, Jack printed out their registration certificates and handed them over to Ava and Max.

"Your VR capsules have already been purchased, and should already be waiting for us at the Academy. We should head to the nearest military outpost on the planet. Then, we can leave."

"Cool" Ava responded with a smile, while Max just nodded back shyly.

"What are you kids here for?" The private level soldier at the entrance to the outpost asked. He was dressed in the familiar Black and Blue military clothes with eh United Human Federation (UHF) symbol on his left chest. Currently, he was not wearing any sort of armour, since this was a safe area under the rule of the Frost Group.

"We are here to get transport to the VR Academy. We have already applied!" Jack said while giving the soldier a solute in such a perfect way, that even the soldier unconsciously saluted back, before realising what he was doing.

"Sure, can I see the admission certificate?"

Jack nodded and looked over at Ava and Max, who also handed over theirs along with Jack's. The soldier took a few seconds to read the names and look at the pictures before confirming it was them and then allowed them to enter after they and their bags were scanned for weapons of destruction, spyware, or just anything out of the ordinary.

After they went through the entire procedure, Ava, Max, and Jack entered a spaceship which from the outside looked much better than Ava's but was so much worse from the inside. However, to Jack, this felt the most comfortable. After all, he had spent a good portion of his previous life in the military, and this trusted model of spaceship felt the most comforting to him.

Once they were in space, they took a different jump point from what Ava's ship had taken. After 2 jumps, an announcement was made, that they would be stopping the jumping in order for the crew and passengers to recover, and for the ship to cool down. The military ships could definitely undergo a large number of jumps, but that was something only to be used in the worst of situations. The reason was simple. It was insanely expensive because after doing so many jumps consecutively, the engine would overheat to the point it was no longer useful, and not just the engine, but the entire computer system would have to be removed, and new ones would have to be installed.

Therefore, if not absolutely necessary, a small break of an hour between every few jumps was standard procedure.

After a few more jumps, they got off their current ship, which returned back to their home planet, while they got on a new spaceship. This one also was the same model as the previous one, but it had almost 45 others, all likely below the age of 20 who were heading to the VR academy.

A few more jumps later, they finally reached the planet where the VR Academy was built just a day ago.