Chapter 37: Arrogance

"HOW MUCH MORE MATH DO WE HAVE TO DO!!! I CAN NOT TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!" Hashirama yelled as he banged his head onto the table.

Yao merely laughed at him, with her waving her hand, making the books disappear.

"Very well. Since we have been focusing on in for about an hour and a half now, I believe that it's best for us to finally delve into the wider aspects of the world." Yao stated.

Madara and Hashirama sighed a breathe of relief, with them both being quite tired from the high level Math that Yao had been teaching them.

While they both had been taught in multiple subjects by their Clans, they were nowhere near the level in which Yao had just been instructing them, with the concepts being extremely tough and difficult for them to understand.

"What do you mean by wider aspects of the world? Do you want us to go see more aspects of the world? Because I guarantee you that we've likely already see it." Madara said while crossing his arms, with him not viewing himself as unknowing of the world around us.

"Oh dear, that arrogance and your's is quite strong. Do you think that the Shinobi World is all that their is? That your parents are the pinnacle of strength that a Shinobi can reach, or that if you reach that level, you have the right to look down on others? Even if you became the strongest Shinobi in the world, you would always be nothing more that a big fish in a small pond. Is it a trait of your Clan to hold such blind arrogance?" Yao finished with a question, with it only serving to anger Madara.

"How dare you!! My Clan is one that has been around longer than you've been alive!! We bleed on the battlefield for our beliefs, and I will not allow you to demean them and their sacrifices as if they are worth nothing! Nor will I allow you to disrespect the sacrifices of all that came before me!!" Madara yelled.

Madara had seen his brothers killed in the battles they had against the Senju, and he had watched the people he grew up with either return missing limbs or not at all. Yet his Clan stood on their principles and performed every mission with the utmost efficiency, not allowing for even the slightest mistake.

He would not allow some woman that possessed a few more tricks than others to spit on the graves of everything that his ancestors had fought for.

Yao looked at her young student, with her deciding is she would let the topic go or actually respond to the boy's arrogance.

'Hashirama is so easy to deal with, yet Madara possess an untold amount of arrogance. If this continues, he will never understand the truth of magic, and he may even end up on a path similar to how he was in the original timeline; a pawn. No, I resolved to take him as my student, so I may as well solve this now. Afterall, arrogance without knowledge is ignorance.' Yao thought to herself as she stared at Madara with a expressionless gaze.

"Because it IS below me. I have met the progenitor of your Clan and even he would have spoken to me politely. I am no mere woman, nor a Shinobi. I am the Sorcerer Supreme, the sole being capable of altering the world around her as if it's a simple as taking a breathe. I do not view your Clans as being of any importance because they simply lack any purpose in the greater expanse of the Universe. You speak to me about demeaning you? Do you even know why you and the Senju battle?" Yao stated.

Both Hashirama and Madara seemed surprised by the question, with neither knowing the true reason that sparked the hatred between their two Clans.

The amulet around Yao's neck opened, with it revealing a green light that made everything around them pause, with both Madara and Hashirama finding that the waterfall near them was fully still.

"Exactly. Neither of you know the truth. Just for the sake of your friendship alone, you fake as if you don't know the last name of the other. But allow me to put your arrogance in it's place. To show you just how small of a pond you live in, and how much bigger the true ocean is. I apologize in advance, Hashirama, but this may be beneficial to you as well."

Madara and Hashirama saw Yao take calm and collected steps towards them, yet instead of the kind and amicable teacher she had been, she now seemed like a Dragon that stepped towards two ants.

She place a single finger on both of their heads, with both boys feeling the world around them change rapidly.

"Open your eyes."

[Chapter is early if we hit 500 Stones (I did not expect 100 stones that fast) Good Luck]