30 - Consent

'Hah. I saw it coming. Laurent tell me one thing if you have a business and take your child there to learn, are you contributing to child labor? No right? You're teaching them. And in return, as incentives, you pay them something so that they are financially literate by the time they grow as old as you. Children are our future. Keeping them away from work is similar to drowning them in an acid pool. Plus, we do it with consent.'


Like a stay of execution, Anna's alarm went off. Typically her harsh electronic sounds were unwelcome interruptions, but it sounded almost melodious at the moment. Jarry glared indignantly at being interrupted. Of course, nothing is more important than his public reputation.

Laurent grinned at Jarry, 'Finally, sir.' the reporter said, 'Your daughter is obviously a very busy woman. It is refreshing to see her back and how you still find time in your schedules to dine together.'