78 - Never Again

'Good question. I was in search of a new puppet.'

'Excuse me?'

'Work for my agency. I'm doing you a favor here. You can kiss your comeback goodbye. There's no more of it. But at least I'll pay you. $200,000 a month. Take it or leave it. Your terms shall be here any moment.'

I feel dazed. The amount of information running through my head is crazy. Rhen's voice and clear terms echo within this lavish mansion's walls, yet I feel like I might not have a better choice. I have always known what to do and how to take my life ahead. This time, I'm helpless. And miserable. Rhen vexes me. He would undoubtedly be popular among women, and I would have never handed him the control he demands. But the damage is already done. I hold my head in frustration. I don't like this.

A woman, mostly in her mid-sixties, brings me a tray of freshwater and aspirin. I gulp it down, and just like some poison, I decide to gulp my pride and make the decision.

'Puppet, huh?'