Lord Commander 2

Drüin stood within Asgard's city limits, watching as the newly named and minted Black Raiders march across the Rainbow Bridge. They all were clad in black armor, helmets resembling a ram's, and lead by cloaked men and women with light armor that had gold enlays. The Black Raiders all were marching like legionarries, separated in small armies of one-hundred. Compared to the full might of Asgard, this was a good portion of it being sent to Midgard. The Black Raiders would defend the denizens of Midgard, and would be the first line of defense. They were to never involve themselves with the Midgardians. If Midgard had it's own wars brewing then the Raiders would leave well enough alone. They were not to involve themselves for Drüin did not want to get into the politics with the Midgardians.

A stoic look was on his face as the Black Raider's march was being watched by many Asgardians. His eyes remained affixed on these men and women until he heard someone approaching him from behind. Glancing back, he found the leader of the Valkyries arriving. She was dressed in her full armor as she came to stand beside the God of Might. The two stood there in silence, watching the Black Raiders leave. It had been roughly six months since the formation of the Black Raiders. Nearly all of Asgard had been emptied since then, for they were waiting for the eventual attack from Highfather. Drüin was 90% sure that Orion, the New God of War, would lead the assault. He had already made plans, strategies, and tactics that would ensure Asgard's victory if nothing bad happens. So far, neither Darkseid nor Highfather have made a move. Meaning that this was a game of chess between the three powers, if one moves, the rest will do the same.

"My prince", Brunhilde called, "I had been wondering, why have you yet to greet your baby brother? I understand that Lady Frigga had given birth to him several weeks ago."

"Because I have responsibilities that require my attention, and because my father is with them." Drüin answered without missing a beat, causing the Valkyrie to glance over at him. She was aware of his dislike of Frigga, she still remembered when Freyr had been queen. Freyr was quite literally the reason why the Valkyries existed to begin with, and why they continued to exist. Though even since the woman had gone mad, the only one who believed that she was ill was Drüin. Brunhilde pitied the God of Might, for having to stand alone when it came to his own mother. "Are your Valkyries doing well?"

"Yes my prince", Brunhilde replied, "They are ready and waiting, as well as Princess Hela's Berserkers. Although, I am not entirely sure if she is fine with the waiting..."

Drüin hummed, knowing exactly what she meant. His sister was a warrior who enjoyed being in the midst of battle, having to wait for their enemy to arrive was something that she had a hard time doing. What kept her from doing something irrational was Drüin for the moment. She knew that her brother was right but she simply just wanted to face these New Gods in battle. Her pride would never allow rivals to live around her and fester all around them. Especially since she failed to defeat Surtur despite her ruthlessness. "She will have to be", The God of Might said firmly, "What of the people? I hope that their accommodations in Vanaheim are welcomed. It is not easily to convince an entire population to leave their homes."

Brunhilde nodded before facing forward to stare off at the last of the Black Raiders entering the Brifröst chambers and heading off to Midgard. "From what I've heard, the people are doing well", Brunhilde reported, "Shaken and anxious due to the sudden order to empty Asgard, but they are well. I just hope that they do not need to remain the there for too long."

"So do I Brunhilde, so do i..."

The two stood in silence as the sun had set for Asgard, the two warriors watching the beautiful setting sun. That was when Drüin narrowed his eyes, he saw something in the distance and further away from Asgard rapidly approaching. That was when he saw something that made him immediately gain a fierce glare. "Brunhilde, to arms." He quickly ordered.

The Valkyrie leader looked to Drüin confused, then towards where he was glaring at. She saw what he saw and without another word, turned and rushed off to take command of her sisters. The God of Might on the other hand held out, calling forth his spear of Valor, Aegor. The mighty weapon came to him, hearing his call. The moment that it was in his palm, his body shined brightly. Immediately, the Asgardian was covered in his gleaming armor. His eyes remained transfixed on the approaching enemy. He was aware of who was approaching, it was Lightray. Behind the New God were Boomtubes that opened up to reveal large attack crafts. Drüin wasted no time as he opened fire with Aegor, unleashing an energy blast with his spear. A ray of golden light came out of the spear's tip, spiraling to incoming forces of New Genesis.

Many of the Asgardians who had seen Drüin opened fire knew exactly what he was doing. Him unleashing an attack meant that the enemy had arrived, so they respond accordingly. The God of Might hardly needed to have the whole of Asgard to respond, for as soon as the New Genesis ships reached the outer limits of the Bifröst, Asgardian AA guns unleashed Hel upon them. Drüin made sure to keep the Bifröst from being damaged as he continued to fire upon the New Genesis ships. The God of Might watched as the armada of New Genesis passed over him, Aegor still spewing out golden energy blasts at them as they past him. Just as he was about to turn, he suddenly felt a body collide with him. No sooner that he felt that, his own body got pulled off the ground and into the air. Drüin knew who had attacked him, it was the second fastest New God of New Genesis, Lightray.

"You may be Asgard's mightiest warrior, but even you are useless while in-" Before Lightray could finish, Drüin sent an elbow backwards right into the New God's face. Then with a twirl of his spin, he sent a jab at Lightray intending to pierce the New God through. The blade of the spear struck the New God in his thigh, causing them to cry out in pain. The two super beings spiraled in the air as the battle raged on across Asgard. Drüin and Lightray flew through a building and skidded across a sidewalk. The first to rise was Drüin, he stretched his muscles then shoved Aegor's bladed part into the ground. He turned to find the New God getting to his feet before sending a shocked glare to the Asgardian. He wasn't expecting Drüin to continue to fight, he was expecting the Asgardian to panic.

"Hermod, deal with this fool..." Drüin ordered, and heard a sonic boom. Lightray's feet had left the ground as he began to fly, then was subsequently sent flying by a bolting Asgardian. Hermod, the God of Speed for Asgard had arrived in full regalia. He watched Lightray's body fly through another building as Asgardian fighters flew overhead. He then turned to Drüin before beginning his report.

"My Prince, a detachment of the New Gods have pushed through our outer defenses. The bulk of their armada is held here, but we assume that whomever leads them is heading for the main palace." Hermod reported, gaining a smirk to appear on the God of Might's face.

Drüin turned to look to the skies as his smirk remained. He saw the armada of New Gensis ships battle with Asgardian boat ships. It was a ballet of metal, littering the sky with gold beams from Asgard and white beams from New Genesis. "Good...they've fallen for the trap." Drüin uttered.

{Asgardian Throneroom, Orion}

Orion and his forces marched themselves for the Asgardian throneroom. Their intent was to make their supposed Allfather submit. He couldn't stand those who viewed themselves as above he and his people. The New Gods had battled Darkseid and his armies for millenia. They were the truly good, because Highfather ensured that the rest of the cosmos remained unconquered, to some degree at least. To have these sudden upstarts who merely gave the Dark God of Apokolips a bloody nose view them as one in the same was...insulting.

Beside Orion was Bekka, his wife and anchor to his sanity. She had originally despised him for sharing blood to his biological father. Now the two were happily married, though at the moment she seemed quite troubled. His eyes glanced to Bekka, watching her look around paranoid. Her grip on her blade and gold enlaided sword getting tighter by the second. Behind them were New Genesis soldiers, armed and armored in silver chrome like armor. Each holding a plasma rifle with the barrels of their weapons pointed upwards and all around them. "Bekka, what troubles you?" Orion asked as they reached the large doors into the palace.

"There...is no one here.." Bekka replied before looking to Orion. The New God of War nodded, but faced forward and looked to the door. It was true, there was hardly anyone that would stop them. Of course they encountered guards, but they were so few that it did not matter. Actually, they retreated upon noticing his arrival. With a resolute sigh, he cocked his fist back and sent it forward. His knuckles collided with the large doors, blowing them off their hinges. The New Gods stormed in as the dust was still around them, clouding their vision. However, Orion stomped his way forward to find the throne of Asgard ahead of him. Then his eyes landed on the shadow of a horned helm looking to him.

"Allfather of Asgard, I will only say this once!", Orion spouted with authority, "Surrender peacefully, and your people will not suffer!"

Orion's words were heard, but he found his face contort into confusion. He heard sadistic and feminine laughter echoing throughout the throneroom. When the dust cleared, he saw the progenitor of who was laughing. It was a black haired woman whose armor was slim with green streaks going down it. She was seated on the throne rather casually, staring down at the approaching New Gods. A sinister smirk was on her lips as she slowly rose up from the throne. "It's about time....I have been waiting for this." The woman stated with sadistic glee.

"Who are you?" Bekka demanded, raising her sword as she stood firm by Orion.

"I am Hela, the Goddess of Death and crowned Princess of Asgard", Hela replied, "And you idiots fell right into our trap!"

Orion's eyes widened before he heard an explosion outside. Glancing back, he found the ships that had brought them there were falling down. It was as if they were being dismantled from the inside out. His eyes then landed on numerous winged white stallions flying off and away from them, heading to join the battle outside. The next thing that he saw were green armored, horned helmed, and corpse looking men charging in behind them. When the New God soldiers turned to open fire upon them, they continued to charge and dashed in to do battle with Orion and his forces.

The New God of War gritted his teeth before turning to see Hela coming down at him. A jagged blade in either hand as she lunged down to pierce him through. What stopped her was Bekka coming in front of him and clash blades with the Goddess of Death. The two female's blades made sparks upon impacting one another. Hela had a crazed look on her face, a demonic grin that one would think could reach ear to ear. "Oh ho!", Hela exclaimed with excitement, "People with strength! I am going to enjoy this!"

Having heard enough of this Asgardian's prattle, Orion lunged forward. He sent a fist to strike her across the face, he was expecting Hela to dodge. Instead the Asgardian took the blow, having her head go sideways. Unfortunately the Goddess of Death remained where she was as he heard slowly turned to look at Orion. She had a bloody nose now, but the blood that dripped from her nostril entered her mouth, giving her a bloody grin. The scene made Orion internally shiver, he had only thought that the Furies of Apokolips to be capable of such savagery.

"Had I had been my brother, he would have already pierced you through Orion", Hela said before pushing Bekka back with a shove, "Unfortunately for you, I do not have that mercy...I wish to see you bleed. You insulted us by wishing to ally with us, fight your own wars! To think that my brother had to breathe the same air as you...disgusting!"

Despite Hela's spouts, her grin had hardly faltered. With a twirl, she hurled multiple jagged blades at Orion and Bekka. The two New Gods were hard pressed to block or dodge. In Orion's case he dodged, and Bekka blocked with her sword. Hela then charged forth, heading straight for Orion. The Goddess of Death drew another sword from her body, then sent the blade to pierce him. The New God sent a straight punch into her face, instead of moving back from being hit, Hela still moved forward. Her blade bite into him, piercing his armor and exiting through his shoulder. The New God of War cried out in pain, then sent a roundhouse kick to Hela's stomach. This time she was pushed back, leaving her blade embedded in his shoulder. Bekka came at Hela, aiming to cleave her head off. When Hela made one of her swords to duel with the New God, she watched as Bekka's sword cut through her own as if it were nothing. For the first time, Hela showed surprise, then her sadistic glee returned not long after.

Bekka pressed her advantage, putting her body into the next swing so that she could finish off this barbaric Asgardian. Behind the three, Hela's soldiers continued to battle the New God's warriors. The skirmish was anything but fair, having the New Gods face the living dead was not ideal nor planned. Orion watched as Hela caught Bekka's blade with the palms of her hands. Then moved it around before sending a spin kick into the New God's face. Hela then looked at the two, watching as Orion tore out her blade from his shoulder. Bekka was on one knee while staring up at Hela. "You both don't seem like much, but I will have you satiate my hunger." Hela uttered, then held out her hand.

The two watched her confused, but heard as the sound of ringing metal enter their ear drums. Not long after, a hammer came through the wall and into Hela's grasp. It radiated with electricity as Hela grinned at the two New Gods. She began to wind up her hammer, using the small trap to it as Bekka and Orion became more wary than before.

"Now...where were we?" Hela asked, before lunging at the two New Gods.

{Drüin, Asgard Outer City}

'Credit's due, the New Gods are tenacious I'll give them that..' Drüin that as he removed his spear from a now dead New God soldier. He looked up to the sky to see Brunhilde and her Valkyries enter the fray. The warrior women changed the tide of the air battle, while the ground battle was still undecided. Drüin had long strategized a plan for another invasion if it had ever come. Said plan was simple, allow the enemy to believe that they hold the advantage. Orion stormed his way to the palace, intending to face his father and make the Allfather surrender. Not only was the New God unaware of Asgardian tactics or his own tactical mind, but they were unaware of Asgardian might. Odin was not on Asgard, he hadn't been there for an entire week. The Allfather was actually on Vanaheim, making sure that the people were protected.

Drüin's plan was to show Highfather that simply attacking Asgard was better said rather than doing it. He wanted to show the New Gods that Asgard is more than a match for them. The God of Might wanted to show them, why Asgard was able to conquer the Nine Realms. "Asgardians!", Drüin called, his voice echoing across the city as he raised Aegor.

"Show these bastards Asgardian steel! Show them who and what we are!!" Drüin shouted and ordered, then shoved the bladed end of Aegor into thr ground. The spear and himself gave off a golden glow as golden cracks moved from his feet. The cracks went across Asgard, empowering Asgardians and making others who had originally fallen get back up. Though those who had already passed were still dead. After having done his part, Tyr suddenly arrive with a host of Asgardians marching behind him. In one hand was a sword, the other was a prosthetic that had a glowing red blade. The Asgardians who were marching behind Tyr had faint golden glow coming off of them, showing that Drüin's power had reached them as well. Removing Aegor from the ground, Drüin hardly turned around as he looked to where the New Gods were trying to set a foothold at.

They were trying to hold the docks, trying to hold the line after Drüin had empowered the Asgardians. Now the time to counterattack had come, now the time to go on the offense was here. Raising his spear upwards, the other Asgardians let out a resounding "AWOO" before Drüin charged forward. They followed right behind their prince, their Lord Commander. Their boot hills sounding of their descent towards New God battle lines as they concentrated fire onto them. Drüin used Aegor to create a golden shield in front of him and Tyr, the Asgardians behind him had raised their shields to block the energy beams. It wouldn't be long before the Asgardians were almost upon them, Drüin removed his shield and jumped at the nearest New God.

"For Asgard!" He shouted, then shoved Aegor's tip right into a New God's skull.